Report Management > Imaging Log
Version is now fixed but I’m confused about the engineer field.
Are you saying if you login with another user it will display that user?
Version number is showing up again, thnx.
Concerning the imaging log:
In this screenshot, user peett is logged on trough the web interface
In this screenshot, user victe is logged on trough the web interface
But, If I understand correctly, the field “Engineer” should display WHO imaged the Host, not who is logged on at that time trough the web interface.
@zavo This issue is non-relevant.
The engineer field is actually not stored with the imaging log. I can add the field in hopes to correct this for the future, but for now I think it’s just going to assume the logged in engineer is who wants to see the file.
The imagingLog database table does not have a “createdBy” value, so I will add this so things are a bit more intuitive. All prior entries will not show properly though for the reasons I have stated.
@Tom-Elliott Thanks for the explanation and the fix for the engineer field.
THis should now be fixed.
While the old still is still going to display incorrectly, the new stuff should work from now on.
@Tom-Elliott said:
THis should now be fixed.
Updated to 5746. It is now working as it should.
Thnx Tom!
The latest version of FOG, SVN 4632 seems to have broken this again. It only displays the current logged on user and not the one who initiated the image.
@jamesb I haven’t changed anything about imaging log. SO if it’s not working, something else is wrong. What’s the actual fog version?
@Tom-Elliott of note to go with this. All logs before the fix was added will still appear broke. Whatever the reasoning before it wasn’t storing the user field at all. If there is no user stored it falls back to the logged in user as it doesn’t have any clue who actually dos it before.
It looks like the version is 5662.
I ran a new image after the update and the image log is still only showing the engineer as the one who is currently logged in. It didn’t properly reflect the user who created the image. This was after I updated to the latest version of FOG.