ssl keys
I’m building a new server at work, Fedora 23. I’m moving things over right now.
I noticed that I have a .srvprivate.key both in /opt/fog/snapins and in /opt/fog/snapins/ssl
Is that right?
I can’t remember if I copied it there or not… I don’t think I did.
It should use the file in the ssl directory. The original (starting) point we just used the snapins folder as they pretty much always expected the files to be there and there was no replication. Snapins where always stored on the web host vs being stored on a storage node.
@Tom-Elliott That would explain why there is a copy there. Thanks Tom.
Updating this thread -
If you migrate your stuff over to a totally new server, So - to migrate correctly, you must copy
If you don’t care about maintaining control of clients and don’t care about having to reinstall the fog client on every machine to re-gain control (or imaging them) then you can use
./ -C