error downloading a kernel
I get this error when I try to download a old kernel from FOG gui: FOGFTP: Failed to put file. Remote Path: /var/www/html/fogservice/ipxe/bzImage32old, Local Path: /tmp/bzImage32old, Error: ftp_put(): Could not create file.
The /tmp folder is drwxrwxrwt. 10 root root
Centos 6.7 and FOG svn 5483.
The directory /var/www/html/fogservice does not exists.
@pmonstad A slash is missing between fog and service :
I guess this is a bug? I cannot alter the path as far as I know.
@pmonstad there was a bug for a while where the kernel directory was being passed as you saw but it is configurable through fog configuration -> fog settings -> tftp server kernel for or very close to it.