How-to: Create a universal windows XP image using mysysprep.exe and VM Ware
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[quote=“boon, post: 2974, member: 833”]Thanks for the quick walkthrough, SSX4LIFE!
If I wanted an image to detect ALL hardware, do I need to add all additional display/sound/etc drivers to \sysprep\drivers before running spdrvscn?
Thanks again for your help![/quote]
@boon , yes in theory you could put all your needed drivers (.inf’s) into the sysprep\drivers folder and inject them into your install so all sound /etc. get auto inserted.
HOWEVER you need to be careful when you do this.
#1. If you load the incorrect chipset driver for the OS it could BSOD on first boot (happens mostly with older dell models).
#2. Sysprep.inf has a file limitation size of 2047 characters. Typically you can’t throw all the needed drivers into the installation, so the way around this is to use the driverpacks method. You could place the driverpacks folder inor even use SFX Maker to encapsulate it as an .exe. Then simply use the runonce command to call the remaining drivers on first boot.
I should note that in my sysprep folder that I included it has the driverpacks for mass storage and lan. Look here for the SAD_DP_INSTALL_TOOL script over on the forums - [url][/url]
Download the .7z and open the readme.txt file. It’s simple as downloading the driverpacks using a .torrent application and tossing the proper files in the x86 / x64 / nt5 folders.
If you need more help or more info let me know, but be VERY careful of the sysprep character limitations.
Where should I put the SAD2? In the
Mike thanks for the email. If you want to have full driver support for Windows XP using the SAD method you can do it once of two ways.
#1. Build a snapin for SAD2 using SFX Maker and push the .exe to the client computer, running the correct drivers
#2. Place the SAD2 folder [B]ANYWHERE[/B] but the sysprep folder. The root ofwould be just fine. I’ve seen people put it in C:\Drivers and then once the .cmd is run using the runonce command from sysprep they run a second script to delete the folder contents. A good example of this is andyroo on our forums who has a windows 7 walkthrough who also uses the driverpacks - [url][/url] . See his batch script below
[B]Delete drivers from C:[/B] (change “SAD2-111118” to what ever name you have your folder as)
@ECHO OFFrd /s/q C:\D
DEL /F /S /Q /A “C:\Drivers\SAD2-111118”
rd /s/q C:\Drivers\SAD2-111118
Don’t forget you can create this .cmd file and place it in the same location as your driverpacks, and have it be run by sysprep (runonce command) It will not only delete itself, but take out anything inside the folder as well, leaving you with a clean installation.
Let me know if you have any questions or need further help
How do you insert the SATA driver into the image. this process will work if AHCI is disabled in the BIOS but what if it is enabled?
It should work either way I believe. The Mass Storage drivers included in the folder cover ATA and ACHI I believe.
Give it a shot.
We had to create a separate IDE image for some older devices that do not support AHCI. Otherwise we’d have to set BIOS SATA emulation to IDE on the majority of the machines.
here is what I did, I used nlite and integrated the sata drivers and also all the drivers into the xp installation disk, then made an ISO file,
using that ISO I installed windows xp on Sun Virtual Box, then I made a ghost image and tried it on 3 different machines with success, but still waiting on your link fix to download to try that too.
thanks -
I have to dig up a copy of this file again, if I can’t i’ll have to re-create it (not hard I have a version in a VM I can use).
give me a bit.
Great tutorial!
Followed your steps but having issues adding the Lan and Masstorage devices in sysprep. After steps 7 and 8 (running spdrvscn v1.3.2 and then sysprep.exe -bmsd), sysprep.inf will contain the inf from C:\Windows\inf and only these three entries from C:\sysprep\drivers. Should there be more entries?
**After scanning C:\sysprep\drivers with spdrvscn, it will report that there are 154 driver entries
**C:\sysprep\drivers contains extracted drivers from DP_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32_1203.7z and DP_LAN_wnt5_x86-32_1202.7z[CODE][SysprepMassStorage]
pci\ven_104b&dev_1040=c:\sysprep\drivers\m\v\vmscsi.inf[/CODE]Can you please share your sysprep config? Thanks!
Ok so I found my two folders and I’ll have those re-uploaded shortly.
Sorry for the delay. Life has been busy, and I do this as a hobby on the side.
Thanks for your time ssx…have you been able to upload the “” files yet, I can’t seem to find the posted link.
Does anybody know where you can get an XP Pro OEM disc? I have a Dell version, but it doesn’t take the Perserving OEM Actication key thats provided by Microsoft.
Basically the version I have cant be activated, so then i cant do updates which makes using the VM useless as far as saving time…
[quote=“buckITall, post: 4074, member: 101”]Thanks for your time ssx…have you been able to upload the “” files yet, I can’t seem to find the posted link.[/quote]
I have been out of the states on work for the last 3 weeks. I won’t be back till the 2nd week in July.
I tried to wake on lan my pc at home, but the packet isn’t getting to my server for some reason, and I can’t remotely turn it on any other way.
Once back I’ll re-host these files.
Thanks for being patient, I’ll get back to you shortly on this.
[quote=“SMoRZ3, post: 4430, member: 1375”]Does anybody know where you can get an XP Pro OEM disc? I have a Dell version, but it doesn’t take the Perserving OEM Actication key thats provided by Microsoft.
Basically the version I have cant be activated, so then i cant do updates which makes using the VM useless as far as saving time…
Legally we can’t distribute these due to copyright law.
Please post your MGADIAG.exe logs so we can better help you
[quote=“ssx4life, post: 2754, member: 268”]
[SIZE=4][U][B]Required Files[/B][/U][/SIZE]- - [url][/url]
- oemscan.exe (only needed on oem builds of Pro. Run the .exe as a snapin or manually + reboot. It will then be activated if run on a supported oem system (dell hp / compaq / etc.) with a supported OEM SLP key - [url][/url]
Hi This links don’t open, can upload files again please?
I’ve uploaded the files SSX4LIFE posted here:
[URL=‘’]oemscan.exe[/URL] -
How are you fully updating the machine (Windows/Microsoft Updates) if the machine isn’t activated? I just used that SLP key, and my virtual machine can’t update using it… Thanks
[URL=‘’]AutoPatcher[/URL] does the trick.
Thanks Boon, never heard of this, but I think it might be my new best friend!