Image Download Task Boots Into Prompt
I guess there is a debug task scheduled for this host. Look through your task list and clean that up.
Just to make sure, please access this URL from any browser on a client in your network and see what you get as answer…#!ipxe kernel bzImage ... mode=onlydebug imgfetch init.gz boot
Oops, haven’t read your other post before answering. So I guess it could be an issue within the current trunk version. Which version of FOG do you use (see in the blue cloud in the web interface)??
Thank you for your ideas. I couldn´t check the idea with the url so far. It is Fog Version 1.2.0. Some weeks ago I started a debug task for that client. See here:
But this debug task is not listed anymore. Is it possible, that the debug task is not completely closed? Maybe in the fog management console are some leftovers? How could I clean it completely?
You can check right in the database. Open a shell on your FOG server and run the following commands:
shell> mysql -u root -p fog Enter password: ... mysql> SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE taskStateID < 4; Empty set (0.00 sec)
Only type the commands behind the markers
. If there is no task running this is what you should see (Empty set). -
@gooroox Did you get this issue solved?