UEFI imaging
Hey all,
I’ve been reading and reading and maybe I missed something. I cannot seem to image windows 8.1 with UEFI. From what I gathered, Microsoft has screwed everything up again and fog 1.2.0(along with a list of others) doesn’t support UEFI. Is this correct? Will the new FOG support it?(Trunk)
FOG has everything I need and more. I really dont want to use anything else.
Currently using:
Fog 1.2.0
Ubuntu 12.04lts
Intel server -
FOG Trunk fully supports windows 8.1
Here are some pointers, but some of these may not be needed anymore because @Tom-Elliott has made some changes specifically to fix some of the Win8 issues that past versions of FOG had.
You might also peek at this for handing out UEFI boot files and Legacy boot files at the same time: https://wiki.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php/BIOS_and_UEFI_Co-Existence