latest SVN keep getting 404 error on management
to get past 3652 i had to do the following (on Ubuntu 12.04)
manually run:sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ondrej/php5-5.6 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install php5
allow all config files to be replaced with defaults when prompted
@Junkhacker said:
to get past 3652 i had to do the following (on Ubuntu 12.04)
manually run:sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ondrej/php5-5.6
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install php5
allow all config files to be replaced with defaults when promptedWill a fresh install of the latest FOG Trunk work on Ubuntu 12.04, or are these commands necessary to make it work? I only ask because another person using FOG Trunk with 12.04 in another thread was having issues - not sure if it’s related or not.
not sure. haven’t done a clean install in a while. for what it’s worth, Tom thinks that he’s got the issue figured out in the latest versions of trunk
Hmmm. I still seem to be suffering from the issue. Just tried 3854.
@Wayne-Workman I’m sorry, I should have said trunk 3854.
Whenever there’s a blank page, it usually means an error is being thrown.
My guess the error is related to an isValid() function all?
@JBailey said:
@Wayne-Workman I’m sorry, I should have said trunk 3854.
Is there a reason why you are so far behind?
@Wayne-Workman I’m currently on trunk 3562. I understand that current git is 4345 but current svn is 3857. Are you recommending using git over svn? I didn’t think there was a difference.
@Tom-Elliott I will take another look into the apache log files.
@JBailey When we talk about revision numbers, we are referring to the number in the cloud, in the top left of any fog page. Tom has coded the current Trunk versions to display the number in the cloud correctly.
It’s confusing when you don’t specify “git” or “svn” or “the number in the cloud”.
Glad it’s cleared up though. It’s important to indicate things like this in the threads because they serve as help for who knows how many other fog users - people of varying skill level - fog knowledge - English reading ability and comprehension - etc.
Correctness and clarity are important. Remember, when we are helping you in the forums, we’re actually helping you and others too.