Fog 1.2.0 Kernal issues with 32 bit images
I have included a screen grab, the laptop I have taken this pic from is a Dell Vostro A860 [ATTACH=full]1984[/ATTACH]
So what’s in the FOG Configuration->FOG Settings->TFTP Server->kernel/kernel32 and init/init32 spots?
[quote=“Tom Elliott, post: 47053, member: 7271”]So what’s in the FOG Configuration->FOG Settings->TFTP Server->kernel/kernel32 and init/init32 spots?[/quote]
What should be there?
this is my tftp area[url=“/_imported_xf_attachments/1/1985_tftp.PNG?:”]tftp.PNG[/url]
Your kernel_32 and image_32 file names are the same as mine.
yep I haven’t changed anything in there, it seems that on the 32 bit stations its not passing the init32 file i only ever see the straight init.xz file.
You can always just go to where the files are on the FOG server and verify they are there/named right…
Hi wayne
yes I can confirm all the files are named correctly and in the correct area.
Anyone else have any idea’s on this one?
Can you try kernel 3.18.3 or 3.18.5 ?
Try the x86_x64 one. you’ll see it in Fog Configuration -> kernel update.
Beyond that, I’d recommend upgrading to trunk.
Ok so all working now, I used the latest kernel download and named the kernel via FTP bzimage and then copied that file and renamed bzimage to bzimage32, so the same kernel for both 64 32 bit which seems to work fine now. So that seems to be the issue sorted out so thanks to everyone who added a reply on this.