FOG storage node in another branch
I read somewhere (but dunno remember where) FOG can manage remote computers in another site.
We have 2 sites separated by 30km, with a tiny VPN between (1Mb) so it’s useless to deploy machines through the VPN link.Actually, people “there” are used to send machines to the main site, we deploy here and resend back. But the better should be to have a FOG server on their side.
Do I need to create another FOG server (i can but … well …) or can I use mine, with a remote share ?
It appears you are trying to achieve the same as me. I think you simply add a another FOG install but instead of installing the full FOG server you install a storage node instead. Unfortunately, it appears the installer for a storage node is broken, well it is on Ubuntu. There is a lot of documentation about it, unfortunately it is on the old forum which is now offline.
Try loading the storage node option on Ubuntu 9.X desktop or server (depending on how friendly you are with command line)
I know it’s working for 9 (as we’ve got 2 remote sites running nodes on 9.x) Simply take an older pc and install ubnutu on it, run the fog installer and select S for storage node. The rest is fairly straight forward… assuming your networks are on the same VLAN - [url][/url]
Let us know if you need any help
Does any of this help: [url][/url]
i’m very sorry to come back “so late”, i just didn’t have time to schedule this project. Now i’m busy with my branch.Here is the infrastructure
France LAN (wan link with VPN) Abroad LAN
FOGserver ====== [ firewall ] :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [ firewall ] ======= FOGstorageI ran the installation on the remote ubuntu server to create a storage node. This one is not listed at the moment in my french FOGserver.
[URL=‘’]When reading the provided link abode ( i understand i have to create multiple tftp servers, because i have a VPN link, and both LANs are not on the same IP address range. But my abroad server can ping my french master FOG server.[/URL]
I’ll continue to write down what i do as i used to do with windows 7 :)[URL=‘’][/URL]