Storage node testing and disk information not displayed
Hi cassie,
The fix for me worked on Fog 1.1.2 on Ubuntu 12.04.For the mysql part, the file I changed is at /etc/mysql/my.cnf Find the line that says bind-address = and put a # in front to comment it out. Save the file and do a “service mysql restart” to reload the configuration.
Then in the fog config files, I edited /var/www/fog/lib/fog/Config.class.php and had to enter the correct mysql connection info in the db_settings function.
Both my fog server and my storage node are using Ubuntu 14.4.
can you please elaborate what you mean by “correct mysql connection info in the db_settings function.”
Thank you!
I did notice that between my FOG server and the storage node the TFTP_FTP_PASSWORD value was different. I changed that line so they matched and restarted mysql, but I still am receiving the same error.
In the Config.class.php file, there’s a section not too far from the top of the file that starts with “private static function db_settings()”.
Database_host should most likely be ‘localhost’ unless you have your database stored somewhere else
Database_name should be fog
Database_username and Database_password should be an account with access to the fog database. I’ve changed my username/password so I can’t tell you for sure what the default is -
On the server username is root, and password is null. On the node the username is fog storage and the password is password.
I’m guessing that’s where my problem is? -
the Storage node password for the (fogstorage) user is found in:
FOG Configuration Page->FOG Settings->FOG Storage Nodes->FOG_STORAGENODE_MYSQLPASS
I changed that password in the GUI because I was unsure what the default was and I had to enter the credentials when I was installing FOG.
So the credentials in my storage node currently match what is in that location. -
If you’re comfortable with the mysql syntax, you’re more likely going to have to change the fogstorage password in the db then.
To do this the syntax should be:
[code]SET PASSWORD FOR ‘fogstorage’@‘%’ = PASSWORD(‘new-password-here’); FLUSH PRIVILEGES;[/code]This should help out.
Where do I enter that?
You need to login to the mysql instance. From a terminal on the FOG server run the command:
[code]mysql -u root fog[/code]
Then run the above command.
Return said “Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)”
I restarted mysql and I’m still having the same issue.Is it possible that I could just change the password in the GUI and in the node back to the default (whatever that is)?
The only reason I changed it was because I had no idea what it was and it was in hidden characters. -
The default is a randomly generated one performed at install time. It only happens the first install.
The fact that it reports 0 rows affect tells me, it seems, that updating this field is working properly as well.
A test you could do could be to sign in to mysql using the password you set and the same info:
[code]mysql -u fogstorage -p’<your-fogstorage-pass-here>’ fog[/code]
Does it allow you in with this? Also, is the /etc/my.cnf bind-address commented out?
Yes, I was able to log in with those credentials, and yes the bind-address is commented out.
I restarted the mysql service and I still get the failed to connect error. -
From the storage node, can you perform the same command, just adding -h’IPOFFOGSERVER’
I was able to fix it.
Turns out I had had changed the user and password in the config.class.php file when I was testing to see if that’s what the problem was. I changed it back to fogstorage and password and now it’s working.My issue was just that the mysql db needed updated.
Thank You so much!
No problem.
I have the same problem, and nothing work.
I have a ubuntu 14.04 server and fog 1.2.
Thanks -
[LEFT]Does it encrypt the password in GUI “FOG_STORAGENODE_MYSQLPASS” ?
[/LEFT] -
No the webgui is not encrypted.
Thank you Ben, just updating, simply comment de bind address on my.cnf solves the issue.