Host not found with windows service fog
I think the fog service installed on host can’t register a host in the fog server. You need to register it before in pxe (quick or full)
Ch3i. -
I thought that windows service fog was a solution to register hosts and the pxe was another solution to register hosts.
[quote=“Almeida, post: 40779, member: 27482”]Hi,
I thought that windows service fog was a solution to register hosts and the pxe was another solution to register hosts.
0.29 allowed the FOG Client to register hosts to the system, but this lead to false assumptions on the client (back then) that it could be supported for imaging as well as everything else. It was removed shortly after and the register.php (service function) only added MAC Addresses to the host. We’re re-adding this element though but in a newer fashion. Similar to how MACs get registered to the client under a pending approval model, the Hosts, if not already existing on the system, will add the host with the name and relevant mac address of the system. It also flags this new client as pending which would need administration approval to allow usage. This should allow the elements requested AND leave it adaptable so the admins know the system will work with fog (which it most likely will).
So we can add hosts only with PXE ?
Or manually enter it in the GUI.
Is it possible to change the name of hosts after the task of deployment and thereafter to join a domain?
What do you mean?
[quote=“Almeida, post: 40786, member: 27482”]Ok.
Is it possible to change the name of hosts after the task of deployment and thereafter to join a domain?
With the fog client, if you have an host already deploy and you change the hostname and enable active directory (in the configuration of the host) after imaging, the host will reboot automatically to change it hostname and join the domain in the specific organization unit.
Do you have a tutorial which explains exactly how to assign a name to an host and how to add it to the domain automatically?
The hostname change is based on the hostname set in your host :
The AD integration is based on the settings set in your host to :
For the password you need to use fogcrypt, you can download it at : [url]http://yourserver/fog/management/index.php?node=client[/url] .
Wiki :
Fogcrypt : [url][/url]
AD : [url][/url]