Web UI issues Fog 1.2.0
Hey guys,
So I have just upgraded from Fog .32 to 1.2.0 and my web interface will not allow me to create anything new, i.e. host/group/storage node etc. I type in all of the information and I do get a “Group added” confirmation, but when I go to “List all groups” there is nothing present. I can add new users, not sure if that is pertinent information. Also under the “Service Management” tab, there is no information under any menu, I just get a blank page.
When trying to PXE boot, I do get to the fog management screen. I attempt to perform a full host registration and inventory and the system goes through all the paces as far as I can tell but nothing registers on the server.
I’m fairly new to the Fog system and Ubuntu so sorry if I’ve left anything out! Thanks for the help in advance!
Can you upload your fog install log? It is located here: