Bypass Host Registration
Go to FOG Configuration (? icon) -> PXE Menu settings. Select advanced:
Enter this entry:
item --gap Please Select one of the images below
item fog.local Boot from hard disk
item return Return to main menu
choose --default fog.local target && goto ${target}
sanboot --no-describe --drive 0x80 || goto MENU
kernel bzImage root=/dev/ram0 rw ramdisk_size=127000 ip=dhcp dns=<EDIT ME TO REAL DNS IP> web=${fog-ip}/fog/ consoleblank=0 loglevel=4 type=down img=<EDIT ME TO IMAGE NAME> ftp=${fog-ip} imgType=n osid=7 storage=${fog-ip}:/images capone=1 imgFormat=2
imgfetch init.xz
boot || goto MENU
chain http://${fog-ip}/${fog-webroot}/service/ipxe/boot.php?mac=${net0/mac} || goto MENU
autoboot[/code]That should be it.
Works like a charm. Thank you.
would it be possible to have a funtion to call a menu listing of all the images available without knowing them and adding a line for each manually in the menu?
Regards X23
[quote=“x23piracy, post: 33355, member: 3982”]Hi,
would it be possible to have a funtion to call a menu listing of all the images available without knowing them and adding a line for each manually in the menu?
Regards X23[/quote]
i talk about a listing in pxe advanced menu that is showing all the available images on fog without the need to add them manually to the pxe menu.
The above is showing howto add a image to the menu to deploy without host registration, i ask for a possibility to show them all without adding them one by one to the menu.Regards
I have implemented the above wiki post into fog 1.2+. I have submitted the files to Tom Elliot for review. I will keep people informed as I hear back from him in the future. I can certainly post the files here if people would like to test. Hopefully my code is up to par and can be added to the fog project in the near future
TS -
I think what x23piracy is asking for is a built in feature that list all images when you ipxe boot a machine to automatically perform a full registration inventory and then image the device with a single entry, without additional user intervention.
So that you don’t have to search for the available images that you can set and image with.
But x23piracy, I don’t think this is needed by any means, just perform a full registration and inventory, the system then prompts you if you’d like to image the machine. (and then you can view the available images with a “?”)
does this work with Fog 1.2.0?
I am trying to use it, but when using it with capone, it displays the following for less then a second:[CODE]/usr/share/lib/ line 305: 2173 Broken pipe gunzip -d -c < /tmp/pigz1
2174 Aborted | partimage restore $2 stdin -f3 -b 2> /tmp/status.fog[/CODE]When using it without capone, it displays:
[CODE]*Attemting to send inventory…No Host found for MAC Address: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
*Checking In… *Invalid MAC Address! (0sec)[/CODE]My Code for the Advanced PXE Menu is:
item --gap Please Select one of the images below
item fog.local Boot from hard disk
item img1 Windows 7 x64 Home Premium
item img2 Windows 7 x86 Home Premium
item return Return to main menu
choose --default fog.local target && goto ${target}
sanboot --no-describe --drive 0x80 || goto MENU
kernel bzImage root=/dev/ram0 rw ramdisk_size=127000 ip=dhcp dns= web=${fog-ip}/fog/ consoleblank=0 loglevel=4 type=down img=Windows7x64HP ftp=${fog-ip} imgType=n osid=5 storage=${fog-ip}:/mnt/sdc1/fog/images capone=1 imgFormat=1
imgfetch init.xz
boot || goto MENU
kernel bzImage root=/dev/ram0 rw ramdisk_size=127000 ip=dhcp dns= web=${fog-ip}/fog/ consoleblank=0 loglevel=4 type=down img=Windows7x86HP ftp=${fog-ip} imgType=n osid=5 storage=${fog-ip}:/mnt/sdc1/fog/images capone=1 imgFormat=1
imgfetch init.xz
boot || goto MENU
chain http://${fog-ip}/${fog-webroot}/service/ipxe/boot.php?mac=${net0/mac} || goto MENU
autoboot[/CODE] -
if you’re using bypass host registration, you may need to specify:
mac=00:00:00:00:00:00 in the system.
are these images partimage, or partclone?
The images are partclone.
Then unset the imgFormat=1 or set it to imgFormat=0
It worked, thank you very much.