Hostname CHanger not working since moving to 1.0.1
Thanks, sorry about the lack of info. I’ve been using FOG for about 5 years now, but installing, building images and deploying images is about all I have experience with.
I put generic info in my post to protect the innocent and didn’t literally put that info in
I have used FogCrypt from the client portal to create the encrypted password for my unique local AD Admin Account and then placed that info in the FOG Active Directory Section of the UI, (following the wiki and forum instructions). I have scoured to see if similar issues have occurred and this is the closest thread I have found.
My Environment:
I recently did a clean install of 1.01 to a Ubuntu 14.04 box.Everything seems to be working great except the HostnameChanger Joining to the Domain. I’m hoping it’s something dumb that I missed.
Thank you for continuing this project and all of your help!
well, if you’re looking for “dumb” things that can keep this from working, here’s some mistakes i’ve made in the past…
make sure that “Join Domain after image task” is set, with the proper information, under “Host Management” > “Active Directory”
make sure that the “Hostname Changer” under “Service configuration” setting is enabled under “Service Settings” -
Yeah, I am really hoping that it might be a Monday detail, but I do think I have both of those correct. Thank you though, it might be that simple with something else I missed.
[LEFT]Here is the UI config.[/LEFT]
One more piece of info needed is the Active Directory settings on that host.
Host Management --> (the host having issues) --> [URL=‘’]Active Directory[/URL]
IS that info checked and filled out?
Edit: (facepalm)
Yes. That screen shot was from the actual host settings in FOG. It is also the default in the FOG active directory section as well.
Welp, I FOG’d a second image, Windows 8 32bit and deployed it without changing any settings and it automatically joined the domain. So I am going to delete the 64bit host from FOG, perform full host inventory it and redeploy and see what happens. I will keep you posted. There may be something going on with that particular Windows 8 x64bit image.
you’ve been using fog for 5 years, right? do you have a custom compiled [FONT=sans-serif][COLOR=#000000]HostnameChange.dll on your images? will this match the passkey used in fogcrypt?[/COLOR][/FONT]
Good thought but no I do not have a custom compiled HostnameChange.dll.
I’m thinking it has something to do with the way the image was made. I had it on the domain, installed the fog client, took it off the domain and then uploaded it, so I may have caused the issue. I am going to build a fresh 64bit windows 8 image and see if this solves the issue.
I have recently done a clean windows 8.1 install and image and the hostname changer is not doing anything. completely stock FOG (latest trunk as of this morning) and stock FOG client, etc. Any news on this issue?
EDIT: No active directory usage here either.
check your fog.log in the c:\ of the client, is it connecting to the server? are there any errors?
[quote=“Junkhacker, post: 27579, member: 21583”]check your fog.log in the c:\ of the client, is it connecting to the server? are there any errors?[/quote]
That log shows exactly what i would expect it to if the hostname changer had worked… it even says “Hostname is up to date”… yet the hostname is still the same as the base image’s.
Old Image: I joined the domain added some domain applications, took off the domain and then uploaded my image. This did not allow me to have FOG automatically join the domain.
New Image: I rebuilt the image never putting it on the domain, and leaving off Avast and other domain controlled applications, and now the image deploys perfect, changes the host name and connects to the domain automatically.
Thank you for the updates in 1.01!
We are off and running and making some images for the summer. -
So was it relating to Windows Firewall, Avast, or Windows domain?
Not 100% sure, but I am assuming AVAST was the culprit. If I get some more time I will retry to upload an image with AVAST installed prior to upload and then deploy to be certain, but for now that is my assumption.
FYI avast has a false positive on FOG Client. You will needed to make an exception for “Program Files” and in All Users “Startup” in windows.
Windows 7 Avast! Exceptions:
C:\Program Files\FOG*
C:\Program Files (x86)\FOG*
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\FOGTray.exeWindows 7 Firewall Settings: (run as administrator–>cmd)
::Allow Fog Client Thru Firewall
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=“Fog Client” dir=in action=allow program=“C:\Program Files\FOG\FOGService.exe”
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=“Fog Service” dir=in action=allow program=“C:\Program Files\FOG\FOGServiceConfig.exe”
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=“Fog Tray” dir=in action=allow program=“C:\Program Files\FOG\FOGTray.exe”Not sure on the Windows 8 though.
I have not added this image to the domain and even after de-activating the firewall on the base image the resulting machine still cannot change its hostname.
try going to [url]http://<server[/url] IP>/fog/service/hostname.php?mac=<mac address of computer> and tell me what you see
[quote=“Junkhacker, post: 27793, member: 21583”]try going to [url]http://<server[/url] IP>/fog/service/hostname.php?mac=<mac address of computer> and tell me what you see[/quote]
#!ok=GXN-14119 #AD=0 #ADDom= #ADOU= #ADUser=\ #ADPass=#!er: Join domain disabled on this host.This is the response from the mac address of the machine i am imaging with my master image, not the master machine which i base the image off of… I figured that is the one you meant, let me know if i was wrong.
that’s what i wanted. that response looks exactly like what i would expect for a computer that does not have the “Join Domain after image task” option checked in “Active Directory” section of “Host Management”
can you verify that is set, and the information is filled out correctly? -
[quote=“Junkhacker, post: 27815, member: 21583”]that’s what i wanted. that response looks exactly like what i would expect for a computer that does not have the “Join Domain after image task” option checked in “Active Directory” section of “Host Management”
can you verify that is set, and the information is filled out correctly?[/quote]I have disabled that because i cannot let them go on the domain yet with the wrong hostname. Currently we are not putting these new machines on the domain for awhile anyways. I just need the actual hostname changed regardless of the domain setting.
EDIT: Also if i do set the domain it usually does add to the domain but never changes the hostname either. Usually it will add to the domain as the correct hostname even though the local machine is not set to that.