TFTP Problems?
Just for clarification - This
FOG_TFTP_FTP_PASSWORDIs not part of the preceding line - but the username and password in both of those fields in the web gui matches what’s in the config.php file.
I’m using Fog 0.32
Did you navigate to the web address and update the mysql schema?
Yes indeed I did
I’ve now done a reinstall of ubuntu server 14.04 and a clean install of fog with the same problems
[quote=“John Finley, post: 25968, member: 23810”]I’ve now done a reinstall of ubuntu server 14.04 and a clean install of fog with the same problems[/quote]
Ubuntu 14.04 is not supported at the moment, please use 13.10 or an older version of Ubuntu.
however, there is a thread already on the forums that touches on the issue you are experiencing.
Please perform the following:
[SIZE=13px][FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=#141414][url][/url] [quote=“Mr.Myagy, post: 25932, member: 23824”]Coming back with the solution, I realised I couldn’t login via telnet localhost 21, using the correct password. After some digging and some pure luck, I found that /etc/passwd didn’t have any login shell for user fog. I added the shell and everything started working :)[/quote][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
Ok I will use 13.10. I chatted with Tom Elliot for a while last night trying to straighten it out. I set all the passwords to password right from the start this time so I don’t know if it’s something funny with 14.04. I saw you had posted that you didn’t have any problems with it other than something minor in another thread.
[quote=“John Finley, post: 25974, member: 23810”]Ok I will use 13.10. I chatted with Tom Elliot for a while last night trying to straighten it out. I set all the passwords to password right from the start this time so I don’t know if it’s something funny with 14.04. I saw you had posted that you didn’t have any problems with it other than something minor in another thread.[/quote]
It is probably isolated to 14.04 I have installed 0.33b MANY times on 10.04, 12.04, 13.04 and 13.10
14.04 is just too new, and Ubuntu has taken a turn for the worse, instead of staying true to it’s debian roots, they have began using other methods, this time with apache, and it’s hard to say what else is broken, they are slowly killing the OS I supported for so many years… I guess it’s time to go back to Debain and Gnome.
I will be ironing out the issues with 14.04 eventually, but for now It’s state testing time I don’t have the free time to “play” like I use to.
Sure no problem - I was using 0.32. Would you recommend I use 0.33 with 13.10? or is 0.32 known to work well with 13.10 - I’m willing to use whatever version is most likely to work at this point ha.
I would use .33
More features and is now a release candidate.
0.33 would be your best bet.
Please use 0.33 and report any issues.