Host details
I think it would be a very handy to have additional information available in the “hosts” list view and search. Additional information about hosts is saved in the “inventory” table that could be very useful. my suggestion is to have a checklist of these fields available on the configuration page that would enable their listing in the “hosts” listing and search results pages.
Good idea!
Will hold off for this as it’s kind of a hook need. May add for next version after release.
This feature is probably not enough public necessity for it to be included in the core. I have decided that I will probably add this feature with a plugin. I will share the plugin when I have it finished.
One thing that would be nice to see in the list of hosts whould be “Last check-in time”
Also, if you are thinking of allowing user-configurable columns to list, then sortable columns would be a nice addition too.
Thanks for all the hard work.
if anyone still wanted this, here’s how you get it. add this file to your web-root/fog/lib/hooks folder
Most of the credit goes to Tom and Rowlett on this one.[url=“/_imported_xf_attachments/0/714_AddHostSerial.hook.php?:”]AddHostSerial.hook.php[/url]
[quote=“Junkhacker, post: 26662, member: 21583”]if anyone still wanted this, here’s how you get it. add this file to your web-root/fog/lib/hooks folder
Most of the credit goes to Tom and Rowlett on this one.[/quote]I’m going to modify slightly (so it’s AddHostSerial within the file as well) and push it with the next release if this is okay with you and everybody.