[howto] list of bug and foxes to make fog run with 0.32 version
with fog 0.32 exist some bugs to fix to get fog working:
0)patch the udpcast package.
-cut&paste patch file [url]http://www.pastebin.ca/2554510[/url] to /tmp/mcast_patch
-Download package [url]http://www.udpcast.linux.lu/download/udpcast-20120424.tar.gz[/url] to /tmp- cd /tmp;tar xvf udpcast-20120424.tar.gz ; cd udpcast-20120424; cp …/mcast_patch . ; patch -p1 < mcast_patch
-edit the …/lib/common/config.sh file in the FOG installation folder to look for the /tmp/udp-20120424 folder by changing the udpcastout variable to udpcast-20120424
-install fog via fog_0.32/bin/installfog.sh with empty root mysql password
- Go to your fog webdir. Probably at: /var/www/fog (UBUNTU TYPICAL) and substitute
“&$tmp” variable at the end of lines of file tasks.confirm.include.php
(various occurences) with “$tmp”
at this time works most procedures, except multicast deploying.
- cd /tmp;tar xvf udpcast-20120424.tar.gz ; cd udpcast-20120424; cp …/mcast_patch . ; patch -p1 < mcast_patch
This is much easier and from a command line.
[quote=“Tom Elliott, post: 21463, member: 7271”]
wget https://svn.code.sf.net/p/freeghost/code/trunk/packages/udpcast-20120424.tar.gz
rm -f udpcast-20071228.tar.gz
sed -i ‘s/udpcastout=“udpcast-20071228”/udpcastout=“udpcast-20120424”/’ …/lib/common/config.sh
sed -i ‘s/udpcastsrc=“…/packages/udpcast-20071228.tar.gz”/udpcastsrc=“…/packages/udpcast-20120424.tar.gz”/’ …/lib/common/config.sh
cd …/bin