Problem Connecting to Fog With Atom Board
Alright, in that case the issue is specific to your new machines, or their hardware. I would install the DNSmasq service and give it a go. Since the TFTP service is currently working we can rule it out as a possibility that is did not get started.
Something to note: In my Novell environment we are using IP helper addresses to get the information where i needs to be, unfortunately I can NOT shed light on this as I am still new to the corporation and I don’t fully understand any of it, or where I would edit those settings.
When I started working with FOG I had very little knowledge of the infrastructure we used. I set up the “Next-Server” option the “boot file” option and installed DNSmasq. I spoke with one of my other colleagues to update the “ip helper”
And the DNSmasq is in Novell, correct?
Negative, DNSMasq is a service you install on your FOG server.
OK got it. Will give it a try today or tomorrow and see what happens. Need to do some scanning on some systems for this damn bug. Thanks for the help. I’ll be back…