Snapins Won't Fire unless User is logged in
Hey guys- We just rolled Fog 0.32 for evaluation and so far I’m pretty impressed. I’ve got Fog imaging a PC and joining a domain just fine, even if the joining takes a little longer than I’d like to actually run.
However, I created a simple Snapin that finished the system prep for me… but the snapin won’t run unless a user logs into the machine. I can set the task and wait forever, but it won’t execute until the next time the snapin process checks [I]after[/I] a login.
I feel like I’m missing something obvious. Is this expected behavior? Can’t I have a task start without a user actually logging in?
The Snapin is just a .cmd file that invokes a .ps1 bundled with it; the PS1 is self-contained and just activates MSMQ and Office, no interation required.
In my fog.log, I see that the SnapinClient stars and then sleeps for it’s (way-too-long) random interval, but then there aren’t any followup entries from the snapin client after that. Unless I log in.
I’ve tried changing the Fog service from the System account to a local administrator, but that didn’t affect anything.
Hi not sure why it won’t run, but a work around would be to add the cmd and ps scripts to your image, and make them run on first startup? You could do this with your unattend xml file.
Check out part 7 of this guide to see about scripts running first time after imaging: [url][/url]
You can also change the sleep time for the snap ins, change this in your image and see if this helps: [url][/url]