Latest FOG 0.33b
r1371 released.
Fixes a couple display issues. Fixes cron deployment issue in Group Page. Moves TaskScheduler into a class file. Please all enjoy.
Thank you,
r1372 and r1373 released.
Removes a couple unneeded files.r1373
Updates some documentation. -
r1374 released.
Just removes GreenFOG.class.php as nothing was using it. We still have GreenFog.class.php (notice caps.) Which I switched to using a while ago. Updates and add’s some more documentation.
The documentation stuff is just for me to keep track and update the documentation. I’m hosting the “documentation” and building it for doxygen. It can be viewed at:
[url][/url] -
[quote=“Tom Elliott, post: 24479, member: 7271”]Well,
I’m going to be rewriting the FOG Service scripts over the weekend. It may not be fully complete but I am going to see what I can do to fix this. there’s no guarantee’s though okay?[/quote]
Hi, Tom
Could you look at the Service scripts this weekend ?
regards. -
I already did them. Why?
r1375 released.
Updates more documentation. Also updates the TomElliott.config files for 3.13.7.
[quote=“Tom Elliott, post: 24596, member: 7271”]I already did them. Why?[/quote]
So I can test the scheduled task with as master storage has external SAN like Synology ? -
[quote=“Tom Elliott, post: 24602, member: 7271”]Sure.[/quote]
it works very well !! -
[quote=“Tom Elliott, post: 24602, member: 7271”]Sure.[/quote]
I have just one last problem : as I said the SYNOLOGY or IOMEGA put before their NFS shares a name like “[B]volume1[/B]” or “[B]nethdd[/B]” while sharing the same FTP did not !
For the same share on SYNOLOGY:NFS : /volume1/imagesFTP : /imagesThe problem after the backup operation when ftp_delete and ftp_rename.
So I added before line 57 in / var/www/html/fog/service/Post_Stage2.php
if(stripos($dest, ‘volume1’) !==false){
$src = str_replace(“/volume1/”, “/”, $src);
$dest = str_replace(“/volume1/”, “/”, $dest);
if(stripos($dest, ‘nethdd’) !==false){
$src = str_replace(“/nethdd/”, “/”, $src);
$dest = str_replace(“/nethdd/”, “/”, $dest); }
And replaced the function delete($path) in /var/www/html/fog/lib/fog/FOGFTP.class.php because SYNOLOGY do not like the “[B]ftp_nlist[/B]” function but rather “[B]ftp_rawlist[/B] "
public function delete($path)
if (!(@ftp_delete($this->link, $path)||@ftp_rmdir($this->link,$path)))
$filelistraw = $this->ftp_nlist_Syno($this->link,$path);
$filelist = (array_keys($filelistraw));
if ($filelist[0]){
foreach($filelist AS $file)
// Return
return $this;
}public function ftp_nlist_Syno($resource, $directory) { if (is_array($children = @ftp_rawlist($resource, $directory))) { $items = array(); foreach ($children as $child) { $chunks = preg_split("/\s+/", $child); //$item['type'] = $chunks[0]{0} === 'd' ? 'directory' : 'file'; array_splice($chunks, 0, 8); $items[implode(" ", $chunks)] = $item; } return $items; } // Throw exception or return false < up to you }
[COLOR=#3366ff]There he has a way to solve this problem ?[/COLOR]
I didn’t design IOMEGA or SYNOLOGY NAS Systems. So it’s beyond me how and/or why you can’t use the true paths properly.
The problem is the FTP step (rename and delete) why not just do these steps in NFS ?
So what’s wrong with the FTP Step? If I understood your previous post, FTP to those directories removes the /volume1/ label and sets the home to /volume1/ making the ftp step look at /images through relative means. I didn’t configure there FTP server, so I don’t know how to help. The reason for not doing it via NFS is because of permissions.
This post is deleted! -
just for report:
blank page when i update an option in the service configuration page.(but the change is ok )
Apache Log:
PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function set() on a non-object in /var/www/fog/lib/pages/ServiceConfigurationPage.class.php on line 307The fog FOGMulticastManager don’t start. I have to do chmod +x on the /opt/fog/service/FOGMulticastManager/FOGMulticastManager
Fog Rev :1377
I will try imaging this morning (french hours !!!
Voila!!! -
Just a question:
how to for the FOG_KEY_SEQUENCE ?
r1378 released.
Should fix the service configuration page error reported above. A couple of minor fixes to Imaging Log report page.
@lepretre: Can you give more information about your question? Are you wondering what it is? How to use it? I don’t know.
Thanks Tom
For the the FOG_KEY_SEQUENCE ?
What kind of key combination can I use?
Can I have an example of the parameter to write?Olivier
It’s on the PXE Settings screen. It show’s the key combination that you would use to get to the menu. it’s only active when the Hidden Menu checkbox is checked.
r1383 released.
Moves Imaging Log to class file, for the time being it will display like normal, until I get all the default reports moved into the report class as their own objects, I’m leaving these files.