Latest FOG 0.33b
I’m aware of that. Still working on fix for the moment. It’s simple, but requires schema update. Trying for a better route if possible.
r1353 released.
Fixes the display on logout of mobile page. Also fixes the shutdown issue reported above. Updates schema to version 80.
Thank you,
r1354 released.
Fixes the Debug messages thrown if Host doesn’t have an image set for the Host List report.
r1355 released.
Disables the unsetting (completely) of image if the host is part of a tasking job.
Thank you,
r1355 - > I could not attach “Host image” on the “Host management”
In FOG Configuration->MAC Address Manufacturer Listing, when i “Update Current Listing” there is message “Unable to locate file: ./other/oui.txt”
r1356 released.
Simply adds alt tags to the main menu icons for both the main and mobile sites.
r1357 released.
Fixes the kernel parameter so you can specify a kernel to a host. If it’s specified, it will use that kernel so make sure you have the right case and name. bzimage and bzImage are two completely different things in the linux world.
r1358 released.
Just removes more excessive php tags especially in schemaupdater. Removes chkdsk if it’s disabled.
r1359 released.
Fixes kernel generating parameter so it works all the time, not just when the host is valid. -
r1360 released.
One more fix, this type should be much better, sorry. Makes sure kernel is set by host if it’s set for the host. Also, if there was no task generated, you wouldn’t be able to update the kernel parameter on the host. This is now corrected for as well.
Thank you,
Hostname changer: When the Hostname changer service module if ON, will a client change hostname during the last stage of Deplaying? Or is it necessary to run the FOG client on the client? I run 0.32 at the moment and several clients do not change name during deplayment on Windows 7. It seems quite random to me, which client change hostname and which does not. It this is a problem with 0.32, has it been improved in the 0.33 betas?
I haven’t tested quite that thoroughly, but it seems better in 0.33b yes. That said, do your systems join to a domain? If they do, the hostname changer service is what handles the joining as well as the hostname change. I don’t know what will make this work 100% of the time though as it’s done through registry keys. If you’re not sysprepping the machines I assume things should work perfectly fine, but if you’ve sysprepped an image, then it’s really up to the unattend.xml file for the rename.
Thanks. My systems do not join domain and I do not use Sysprep. Good to hear it problably works better in 0.33b. I will do some testing when I get time to set up a test server.
I’ll chime in on this one. I’m running 0.33b and I have the fog client already installed on the image that i’m pushing. Once the machine boots, the hostnamechanger module will check the FOG server to see what name is associated with the current MAC address that the client is installed on. So, as long as you have the host already set up in FOG server, the machine should just rename itself.
But, I went a little further. I have the machine sysprepped and joining my domain, which also works amazingly! Right now, my systems will image, reboot, go through oobe setup, reboot, rename, reboot, join domain, reboot, and finally install any snapins that I have for them. Automation is SO MUCH FUN! ! !
Lots of changes coming down. Legacy stuff is starting to be implemented. So if you upgrade from 32 to 33, all the images are still usable in some means. The GUI may not work perfectly, but it’s in place. It doesn’t work just yet as we have to add the properties to the init.xz. This is in the works though.
r1365 released fixes the LIST/SEARCH selections so they actually work.
r1368 released.
Fix boot menu for kernel checking. Add legacy update to service, if the image is uploaded. Update both init.xz
and init_32.xz for the new functions. Fix init’s for multicast legacy to perform the gunzip on the client. Update the config’s for buildroot. -
r1369 and r1370 released.
Moves FOGImageReplicator service to a class file. Still need the initial script, but functions.php will soon not be needed at all! Much easier to manage. Purely uses Classes to get information.r1370:
Moves FOGMulticastManager service to a class file. Still need the inital script, but functiosn.php will soon not be needed at all!. Main difference is the looping has to be done internally. -
r1371 released.
Fixes a couple display issues. Fixes cron deployment issue in Group Page. Moves TaskScheduler into a class file. Please all enjoy.
Thank you,
r1372 and r1373 released.
Removes a couple unneeded files.r1373
Updates some documentation.