Latest FOG 0.33b
[quote=“ArchFan, post: 23627, member: 19266”] … the 2 required files[/quote]
I don’t know any more
I’ve since changed it to one required file.
The other config.php just tells the FOG<SERVICENAME> files to point to the main config.php file.
This is all i’m seeing in /var/www/fog/commons/config.php
/*- FOG is a computer imaging solution.
- Copyright
2007 Chuck Syperski & Jian Zhang
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see
define(‘DATABASE_TYPE’, ‘mysql’); // mysql or oracle
define(‘DATABASE_HOST’, ‘localhost’);
define(‘DATABASE_NAME’, ‘fog’);
define(‘DATABASE_USERNAME’, ‘root’);
define(‘DATABASE_PASSWORD’, ‘’);/*
define( “UDPSENDERPATH”, “/usr/local/sbin/udp-sender” );
define( “MULTICASTLOGPATH”, “/opt/fog/log/multicast.log” );
define( “MULTICASTDEVICEOUTPUT”, “/dev/tty2” );
define( “MULTICASTINTERFACE”, “eth0” );
define( “UDPSENDER_MAXWAIT”, null );
define( “LOGMAXSIZE”, “1000000” );define( “REPLICATORLOGPATH”, “/opt/fog/log/fogreplicator.log” );
define( “REPLICATORDEVICEOUTPUT”, “/dev/tty3” );
define( “REPLICATORIFCONFIG”, “/sbin/ifconfig” );define( “SCHEDULERLOGPATH”, “/opt/fog/log/fogscheduler.log” );
define( “SCHEDULERDEVICEOUTPUT”, “/dev/tty4” );
define( “SCHEDULERSLEEPTIME”, 60 );/*
- In order to make updating from version to version of fog easier, we have moved
- most off these settings into the fog database. The only settings which are
- active are the settings above. All settings below this message are transfered
- to the fog database during schema update/installation. To modify these
- settings please use the fog management portal.
define(‘TFTP_HOST’, “”);
define(‘TFTP_FTP_USERNAME’, “fog”);
define(‘TFTP_FTP_PASSWORD’, “cc9a0b7a329e856c1b8013dd254a2f8e”);
define(‘TFTP_PXE_CONFIG_DIR’, ‘/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/’);
define(‘TFTP_PXE_KERNEL_DIR’, ‘/tftpboot/fog/kernel/’);
define(‘PXE_KERNEL’, ‘bzImage’);
define(‘MEMTEST_KERNEL’, ‘memtest’);
define(‘PXE_IMAGE’, ‘init.gz’);
define(‘STORAGE_HOST’, “”);
define(‘STORAGE_FTP_USERNAME’, “fog”);
define(‘STORAGE_FTP_PASSWORD’, “cc9a0b7a329e856c1b8013dd254a2f8e”);
define(‘STORAGE_DATADIR’, ‘/images/’);
define(‘STORAGE_DATADIR_UPLOAD’, ‘/images/dev/’);
define(‘STORAGE_BANDWIDTHPATH’, ‘/fog/status/bandwidth.php’);
define(‘WEB_HOST’, “”);
define(‘WOL_HOST’, “”);
define(‘WOL_PATH’, ‘/fog/wol/wol.php’);
define(‘WOL_INTERFACE’, “eth0”);
define(‘SNAPINDIR’, “/opt/fog/snapins/”);
define(‘QUEUESIZE’, ‘10’);
define(‘USER_VALIDPASSCHARS’, ‘1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWZXYabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_()^!#-’);
define(‘NFS_ETH_MONITOR’, “eth0”);
define(‘UDPCAST_INTERFACE’, “eth0”);
define(‘UDPCAST_STARTINGPORT’, 63100 ); // Must be an even number! recommended between 49152 to 65535
define(‘FOG_JPGRAPH_VERSION’, ‘2.3’);
define(‘FOG_REPORT_DIR’, ‘./reports/’);
?>[/CODE] -
What are you talking about?
[quote=“Tom Elliott, post: 23628, member: 7271”]Change your FOG Configuration files
FOG Configuration (?) Icon
FOG Settings
Change the areas that have fog/memtest/memtest, fog/images/init.gz, fog/kernel/bzImage to say only memtest, init.gz, bzImage respectively.[/quote]Have you followed the above information I already stated?
I guess I don’t understand your directions…
in your fog configuration page, there are settings for the locations for the locations of
FOG_TFTP_PXE_KERNEL, which is currently fog/kernel/bzImage it needs to just be bzImage
FOG_MEMTEST_KERNEL, which needs to just be memtest
and FOG_PXE_BOOT_IMAGE, which needs to just be init.gzno editing of php files, all from the web interface
OK! Got it! Makes more sense now…
trying 1263, but getting int 18 boot fail as per the attached.[ATTACH=full]565[/ATTACH]Oddly the ip address is missing from the http line.
I thought this would come from
but that has the IP address in, and if I modify it the changes don’t appear, implying it is coming from somwhere else.
my fog ip is
Any thoughts[url=“/_imported_xf_attachments/0/565_boottest Clone.png?:”]boottest Clone.png[/url]
If I revert pxelinux.0 back to pxelinux.0.old it works.
I wonder what the difference is?
according to Tom’s release notes on r1263, the i believe new pxelinux.0 is a custom compiled ipxe kernel instead of an pxelinux kernel. i suspect there is a flaw in the embedded ipxe config file.
One for Tom to look at methinks.
also task deploy of xp single partition seems broken, says checking disc, a couple of lines later it reboots, without ever having run partclone.
[quote=“Tom Elliott, post: 23631, member: 7271”]I don’t know any more
I’ve since changed it to one required file.
The other config.php just tells the FOG<SERVICENAME> files to point to the main config.php file.[/quote]
Thanks Tom, didn’t realize it had changed - I was referring to the 2 mentioned [URL=‘’]here[/URL]. I’ll try the fix for the other issue. Thanks
I know what the problem is. No it’s not an error in the configuration of the undionly.kpxe file. It’s a problem that the ${next-server} variable can’t be found if the dhcp server is not the local fog server. Will switch out on the next release, back to the “old” pxelinux.0 file.
[quote=“ArchFan, post: 23647, member: 19266”]Thanks Tom, didn’t realize it had changed - I was referring to the 2 mentioned [URL=‘’]here[/URL]. I’ll try the fix for the other issue. Thanks[/quote]
I understood what files you meant. I was just saying I removed the need to edit two config.php files a while ago. Just trying to help out.
r1264 released.
Replaces the undionly.kpxe (pxelinux.0) back to the pxelinux.0.old methods that we all know works. Next will be tracking down the xp issue.
r1265 released.
Should re-fix windows xp resizable deploy issue.
r1266 released.
This is a major change.
First I’ll let you know of the minor things.
Trying, once again, with undionly.kpxe file per Junkhacker’s suggestions. Basically it chains to a default.ipxe file that contains the chain to the boot.php file. This way ipxe boot’s faster and without issue, just as we’re used to. No double chain from pxe->ipxe, it’s ipxe->ipxe. The default.ipxe file is generated when you reinstall and uses the fog server’s ipaddress/fog/service/ipxe/boot.php. If you have a special setup, remember this will need to be changed. pxelinux.0.old is still available if you are having issues.
Changelog.txt has been updated with information.
Alright, now the big shocking news.
Those of you using VM’s to test Windows XP using their configuration, be prepared, it’s most likely borked now.
Buildroot is updated to 2014.02 which released stable TODAY!
init.gz is fully 64 bit (hence the forewarning above). With this the kernel is also 64 bit now.
This is needed to read the efi variables properly. Even if I haven’t got a fix for this, I have to be prepared. While many of you may not like this, I will be working to maintain 32 bit versions on the fly. Right now I don’t have them as I completely reworked everything from scratch. If you download kernels through the “unpublished” part of fog 0.33b, they are still 32 bit, so they will NOT work with this brand new init.gz.
Windows 8 UEFI and all originally non-uefi imaging now works. Windows 8 comes with the caveat of only mps/mpa imaging is working. DD should work as well as that’s a bit for bit clone of the hdd. The one I haven’t tested is Single Disk Resizable, though the code base is there, I haven’t tested it. The rest of the caveat to Windows 8 is that, while the upload and deploy now work, the deploy will not leave your system bootable. That’s why I had to make the switch to 64 bit os, so I can test and try fixing this part. The way to fix it for now is after imaging, boot the Windows 8 DVD and choose recover. Follow these instructrions: [url][/url]
If your systems, and most of them are, are capable of 64 bit OS, then you should be good. Netbooks and maybe a few laptop models (old, almost antique) may not, but that’s why, if you request a 32 bit init.gz and kernel, I will provide them at request. I haven’t built them yet and I removed my old stuff as I had to work from scratch more or less to get this working.
Hopefully all works well for you,
Attached zip contains the changes needed to add shutdown or reboot after capone deploy.
You just need to drop the files in as the base files haven’t changed since the changes were done.[url=“/_imported_xf_attachments/0/”][/url]