Fog wont install
Try manually installing mysql with yum -y install mysql-server, it should install the package. Check that mysql is installed then, and you should find /var/lib/mysql folder. Another way to find out if it’s installed is to run:
chkconfig mysqld on; service mysqld start
Then, try your install. I’ll need to check the install folder for redhat to see that it’s pointing to the right package for mysql. -
Didn’t work.
What errors is it giving you when you try to manually install mysql, if any?
no errors.MySQL working perfectly now
So is your fog setup now installed?
If it is, what did you end up having to do?
If it isn’t, I’ll take a look at the 0.32 Redhat install portion to find out why it didn’t install for you.
Fog is not installing still,but mysql is intsalled perfectly
So now that we know mysql is installed and working (how btw?) what’s the error’s you’re getting with installing fog?
it says i dont have mysql installed and when it download and installs the packages it wont say Skipping:MySQL (Alrerdy installed) I tried 2 times,but with the same error
By the way,Am i supposed to use my public ip? (unrelated)
Your public IP is not what should be used. You would use the IP address your fog server is setup for within your internal network (the network you’re trying to image from).
Can you do me a favor and check the install. I’ll download a copy of the tar file and see what it’s doing as well, but I’ve never seen any issues with it before. Maybe it’s forgetting a part for Fedora 19 which is RH Based.
I’ll double check, but do you know how to edit the files?
From the install folder, look within for a folder that contains redhat and which files do the install process. I will get back here with the info, but it’s going to be a little bit.
Okay, looking into this, I don’t think there’s an issue with the default installation files for redhat. Fedora 19 should use the yum install mysql mysql-server and the configuration is chkconfig mysqld on; service mysqld restart which, you stated, works fine for your system.
However, it may have an issue because it’s trying to restart the service from your public IP address, which would cause a failure as it, theoretically, can’t access from that point.
Try not using your public IP address and use your server’s internal IP address during the setup. Hopefully this helps out.
This post is deleted! -
I know how to edit them,but i don’t know where to edit them.Also,where do i find my servers internal ip
This post is deleted! -
Is your fog server connected directly to the internet? You understand linux and the command line?
The way to obtain your systems IP (which you should have setup statically) is to run:
If you have multiple interfaces, you’ll need to figure out which interface you’re trying to use and use the IP associated with that.I assume your IP is going to be in the range of thru as you put your router and dns server as
Your files to be edited should be located in:
<locationOfFogInstallFolder>/lib/redhatThere are two files in there which I forget the names of.
However, if my memory serves me correctly, when you do the install, it should ask you what you want to set your IP up as, and it defaults to your systems IP, so unless your FOG server is directly connected to the Modem, it should have a private IP address assigned to it already. I’d recommend, until you understand what this software is doing, sticking with the defaults.
it doesn’t tell me the ip i should use.I found the ip,still not installing.And my isp wont allow me to have a static ip anyway.But i am ok with changing it all the time
it looks like the code to check the packges is this:
for x in $packages
echo -n " * Checking package: $x";
rpm -q $x >/dev/null 2>&1;
if [ “$?” != “0” ]
echo “…Failed!”
exit 1;else echo "...OK"; fi done;
and the configue mySQL code is here:
echo -n " * Setting up and starting MySql";
chkconfig mysqld on;
service mysqld restart >/dev/null 2>&1;
service mysqld status >/dev/null 2>&1;
if [ “$?” != “0” ]
echo “…Failed!”;
exit 1;
echo “…OK”;
I do have some command line experence -
Is your FOG Server behind a router that then connects to a modem or directly connected to the modem?
If you’re connected directly to the modem, then how did you get the DHCP Server and the DNS Server IP Address?
You’re sure mysql is actually running on your system then?
Is selinux running or disabled?
To check:
cat /etc/sysconfig/selinuxLook for:
If it doesn’t say disabled change it and reboot your machine.
Then check that iptables is disabled <- DONT DO THIS IF YOU’RE CONNECTED DIRECTLY TO THE MODEM
service iptables stop; chkconfig iptables off
Once done, retry the install process.
Can you post a reading of:
Directly after you’ve tried installing fog.
Thank you, -
When giving information, please try to provide as much information as possible. It’s not easy to troubleshoot something when not being directly in front of it. It makes it much more difficult to help out when there isn’t any information to go off of.
Responses such as:
“didn’t work.”,“Didn’t help”Doesn’t give us anything to work off. We don’t know what you’ve tried, or how you know certain things.
How do you know that mysql is working?
What have you tried beyond the help I’ve tried giving?
What kinds of error messages is the system telling you? Fog tells you information, but we don’t know your systems particular setup. -
sorry for the late reply. i connected to the router that connects me to the modem.i know that mysql is working because when enter mysql in the command line,it dosen’t give me any errors.
I downloaded the rpms for mysql and that didn’t work. the command you gave me finally worked.
i disabled iptables and selinux some time ago.