Track activity for unregistered hosts
Currently we can see which user deploys an image to registered hosts but not to unregistered hosts. Why is that? Shouldn’t there be a way to record that an image gets deployed to an unreg’d host? At the very least a MAC address would be helpful. I use LDAP in my environment for FOG auth so theoretically I would be able to see which user deployed an image to this MAC. If an IP address can be reported that would be even better.
@DBCountMan The issue/explanation is that the unregistered hosts deployed via the ipxe menu doesn’t go through the normal task creation process so there is no database interaction. When you call the deploy image task the fog server creates the ipxe menu needed for imaging but that’s it. The fog server never “really knows” and unregistered guest was imaged.
Now what can you do on the back end? Probably a post install script could open a file in the /images/dev folder and write the mac address into a text file with the current date/time. This is possible, but I don’t have an example I can point to. If FOS Linux had a ail client it could send an email when it was done imaging too.
@george1421 I see. So a basic script like (I’m paraphrasing the commands here) “get mac get userID get IP > log.txt” but from there it would have to write to the FOG’s reporting system right?
@DBCountMan In the post init or post install scripts the
variable contains the mac address of the target computerTo get the ip address this script will work
myip=`ip route get | awk 'NR==1 {print $NF}' | cut -d "." -f1-2`;
Getting the user id of who did it will be a bit harder since they never log into the web ui. The user ID and password they key in during the deploy image stays in ipxe and is not sent onto FOS Linux. I’d like to say that the username field can be trapped from iPXE and then pass that variable as a kernel parameter onto fos linux. Once that is done then the $username variable should exist in your fog scripts. Getting that info into the fog database is another challenge. In the post install script the /ntfs directory is mapped over to the fog servers /images/dev where you could append an echo statement into a text file.
Understand I’m taking in programming pseudo code. But I see an path here and it should work.