FOG image capture file permissions
FOG Version:
OS: Ubuntu 22.04Hello first post so please forgive me if it’s in the wrong section.
Since the storage permissions of /images are 775 ( shouldn’t the capture image create the files with the same permisssions?
While testing a new image capture the permissions are 777 and the owner:group is fogproject.
For all watching,
Yes permissions are set in multiple levels and I forgot one element on the FOS side, apparently it was being re-overwritten at the point of the moveUpload which I had missed on the UI side.
This should be adjusted accordingly now as well.
@AUTH-IT-Center So the permissions are handled from the FOS side of things, not the FOG side. The NFS bit was to try to ensure a bit more security but it seems this chmod effect was missed on the FOS side.
I have pushed this and am currently building expermental kernel/inits for this. Give it about 1-2 hours and you should be able to see the new inits from FOG Configuration->InitRD Update
If you can download the 64 bit (or 32 if the systems is i386 based) and replace the existing (init.xz or init_32.xz respectively) and give it a test? it should work properly moving forward.
Thank you for letting us know.
unfortunately the same result.
also the permissions of the init.xz and init_32.xz on /var/www/html/fog/service/ipxe/ got 755 instead of 644 and the group www-data (just mentioning)
the system is 64bit
@AUTH-IT-Center I’m not sure I follow the issues? Edit: Well i think I got it now!
Thanks for bring this up.
If you can install the dev-branch of FOG git, this should be corrected as well. No need to update the init’s though not a bad idea either.
For all watching,
Yes permissions are set in multiple levels and I forgot one element on the FOS side, apparently it was being re-overwritten at the point of the moveUpload which I had missed on the UI side.
This should be adjusted accordingly now as well.
@Tom-Elliott since this is the production server I will try it on a staging one and notify you.
@AUTH-IT-Center with the dev-branch the created folder after the image capture has the correct permissions.
will wait for the update on stable branch to deploy to the production server.
Thank you!
A AUTH IT Center, ]]