Updating clamav version to 0.97.7
Clamav has a new version, 0.97.7; then, is probably that our version is obsolete. I will explain how to update it.
You must use the different files that are in the clamav0.97.7.zip file. It contains next files:
==> [B]Updating our server:[/B]You can see some information in this [URL=‘http://www.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php/Clamav’]link[/URL][B] [1][/B]
[*]Updating clamav version:
For RHEL 6:
[CODE]$ sudo yum install clamav[/CODE]
For Ubuntu:
[CODE]$apt-get install clamav-freshclam[/CODE][LIST]
[]Deleting the old definitions files in the server:
[CODE]$ sudo rm /var/lib/clamav/.*[/CODE][LIST]
[]Update your definitions by running freshclam
[CODE]$sudo freshclam[/CODE]
[]Disable scripted updates and let ClamAV download definitions to the root of the web server. Add “ScriptedUpdates off” to the freshclam.conf file on the Fog Server.
==> [B]Updating init.gz[/B][LIST]
[*]Expand the Fog init.gz file:
$sudo cd /tftpboot/fog/images
$sudo gunzip init.gz
$sudo mkdir initmountdir
$sudo mount -o loop init initmountdir
[*]Extract clamav0.97.7.zip files (you have copied it in your server home folder) and copy them:
$sudo unzip clamav0.97.7.zip
$sudo cp clamav-config /tftpboot/fog/images/initmount/usr/bin
$sudo cp clambc /tftpboot/fog/images/initmount/usr/bin
$sudo cp clamconf /tftpboot/fog/images/initmount/usr/bin
$sudo cp clamdscan /tftpboot/fog/images/initmount/usr/bin
$sudo cp clamscan /tftpboot/fog/images/initmount/usr/bin
$sudo cp freshclam /tftpboot/fog/images/initmount/usr/bin
$sudo cp libclamav.so.6.1.16 /tftpboot/fog/images/initmount/usr/lib
$sudo cp fog.av /tftpboot/fog/images/initmount/bin
[*]Create the soft links:
[CODE]$cd /tftpboot/fog/images/initmount/usr/lib
$ln -s libclamav.so.6.1.16 libclamav.so
$ln -s libclamav.so.6.1.16 libclamav.so.6
$chmod 755 libclamav.so.6.1.16[/CODE][LIST]
[]Modify the freshclam.conf file inside the init. Add “DatabaseMirror MyFogServerNameOrIP” and “ScriptedUpdates off” to this file.
[]Change the ram disk size. The old size is 50 MB, is small, then we will increase it to 100 MB:
[CODE]$sudo vi /tftpboot/fog/images/initmount/bin/fog.av[/CODE]
We edit the next line:
[CODE]mount -t tmpfs none /usr/share/clamav/ -o size=50m;[/CODE]
And change the ram disk size to 100m:
[CODE]mount -t tmpfs none /usr/share/clamav/ -o size=100m;[/CODE]
Save the change[LIST]
[*]Compress the init file:
[CODE]$cd /tftpboot/fog/images
$sudo umount initmountdir/
$sudo rmdir initmountdir
$sudo gzip init[/CODE][LIST]
[*]DONE the update!!!
[/LIST][1] [url]http://www.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php/Clamav[/CODE][/url]
@[URL=‘http://fogproject.org/forum/members/fernando-gietz.13/’][B][U]Fernando Gietz[/U][/B][/URL] well done thank u.