Error mounting filesystem /images/dev on an NFS
Alrighty so the test has worked and I’ve got the FTP error issue but it looks like it’s uploading ok.
I’m running another test because suddenly in the dashboard, I can’t see anything relating to the size again on the DefaultMaster, whereas I could before.
I will report back
Is it uploading but not renaming and moving the img files from /dev?
[quote=“mootsfox, post: 11569, member: 1747”]Is it uploading but not renaming and moving the img files from /dev?[/quote]
It was but I changed the TFTP password on the NAS and it looks like it went through. Right now it’s trying to upload an image for me and has 30 minutes left. I have some very strange things going on right now. Nothing in the Bandwidth - Receive graph. In fact right now it shows the time as 7pm, rather than 2pm. However if I manually go to the dev folder on the NAS and do an ls -lh I can see the file growing. So it’s not all bad I guess. Maybe I’ll map the NAS to my /images folder since that was able to see the disk size quite happily -
Got it! It’s working!
I’m going to do a fresh install of this server I think. The time is messed up on the bandwidth receive graph.Ok so for future individuals, here’s my little guide during installation
Adding a NFS share
First, get rid of the old /images directory. Move it somewhere safe
[B]sudo mv /images /imagesold[/B]
[B]sudo mkdir /images[/B]
[B]sudo chown –R fog:root /images[/B]
[B]sudo chmod –R 777 /images[/B]Next, let’s edit your fstab
[B]sudo nano /etc/fstab[/B]Add the line in your fstab for the nfs drive
[B]IPADDRESS:/sharename /images nfs defaults 0 0[/B]Mount the drive
[B]sudo mount -a[/B]Then reapply the permissions to the folder now that the drive is mounted. Create the dev folder and .mntcheck folders
[B]sudo mkdir /images/dev[/B]
[B]sudo touch /images/dev/.mntcheck[/B]
[B]sudo touch /images/.mntcheck[/B]
[FONT=arial][SIZE=3][B]sudo chown –R fog:root /images[/B][/SIZE][/FONT]
[SIZE=3][FONT=arial][B]sudo chmod –R 755 /images[/B][/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=3][FONT=arial][B]sudo chmod –R 777 /images/dev[/B][/FONT][/SIZE]Then login to the FOG panel, go to storage management, click Add Storage Node and then use these values
Storage Node Name: Whatever you want
Storage Node Description: Whatever you want
IP Address: IP Address of your NFS share. JUST THE IP ADDRESS
Max Clients: Whatever you want, I generally stick 10 in there
Is Master Node: Yes. Note - if you tick this, it’ll wipe images you’ve already created
Storage group: Default
Image location: Enter the folder on your NAS drive that your images are stored in
Is enabled: Tick it
Management Username: the username you use to login to the FOG control panel
Management Password: the password you use to login to the FOG control panelClick update, and you’re done!
Followed your directions and am currently uploading an image to test it.
Why dd you add a storage node instead of editing the DefaultMember?
Just so the graph would work for remaining space.
My computer finished, and I had the “FTP connection…” error again. While the system was running, I changed the DefaultMember back to defaults, and created a new one, and the system finished, and the files moved as they should have.
So I have deleted that image and am trying it again.
How did you get on?
My test worked ok, but the bandwidth graph still is 7 hours ahead and refuses to show information. Fortunately the system appears to actually be working!
I think there is a known issue with the bandwidth graph time being off by 6/7 hours depending on daylight savings time. Have you made sure the client you are viewing the graph on has the proper date and time and time zone settings and the server is set in the correct time zone also?
Just double checked.
The FOG box is on CDT and my main machine is (Windows) Central with daylight savings time. Turning off the daylight savings time and setting the clock manually had no effect.
I’ve RDP’d into the Ubuntu box and checked it locally on Epiphany, This too gives me the wrong time. System time is set correctly however
Finally got it working!
My FTP settings on my FreeNAS box were not correct. I had to add a user to the FTP service called fog with the password used for the management console.
Of course, when I say working, I mean the upload portion. I now get a permission denied error when trying to send an image to a system.
So if I run it with Capone, it says [code]mount: <ipaddress>:/images/ failed, reason given by server: permission denied
mount: mounting <ipaddress>:/images/ on /images failed :Bad file descriptor[/code]
I have two storage nodes setup like suggested, following the instructions listed in this thread by icarus.
When I deploy an image, it tries to load the image off of defaultmember, which fails, then it tries to load off of my second storage node, which works fine, loads as it should.
Why does Capone fail, but host deploying work?
When typing [code]sudo exportfs -a[/code]
I get the following:
[code]exportfs: Warning: /images/dev does not support NFS export.
exportfs: Warning: /images does not support NFS export.[/code]My /etc/exports looks like
[code]/images *(ro,sync,no_wdelay,insecure_locks,no_root_squash,insecure,no_subtree_check)
/images/dev *(rw,sync,no_wdelay,no_root_squash,insecure,no_subtree_check)[/code]Sorry if it feels like I am hijacking this thread, not trying to, just didn’t think my issue deserved a whole new thread.