No configuration methods suceeded HP ProBook 450 G10
@Almeida If you want to stay on version 1.5.9 then this is the process to update iPXE:
If you upgrade to 1.5.10 that will update iPXE, but maybe not to the very latest version. The above is still the process to get the newest version of iPXE.
@george1421 Hello,
The installation of the fog server was done with the tar archive and not git. According to this procedure, it only works with git.
@Almeida I haven’t used the tarball method in about 6 years, it still should contain the scripts needed to create an updated image. Go into where you extracted the tar archive and then follow the path in the tutorial to rebuild ipxe. You may need to manually move the compiled files to the /tftpboot directory.
The problem is solved.
I disabled DMA protection on the HP ProBook.
Good day. -