Snapin creation (size of file)
Hi everyone,
I’m running Fog 1.5.9 installed on Eole environment (School project based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS).
All of it is on a VM Virtualbox.
I use physical clients.
Everything’s good, dump & deployment, and snapin.
But i can’t create snapin for Firefox, while it works well for 7zip and Notepad++ for exemple.
I’m pretty sure it’s because the size of Firefox msi is too big.
I tried to change php.ini in /etc/php/7.4/apache2/php.ini
I modified post_max_size / upload_max_filesize / memory_limit to 4000M
service apache2 restart or even reboot all Fog
but it didn’t change nothing, the “Snapin File Max size” stay at 8M on the template to create a new snapin in Fog management…
I don’t see any other way to solve this, if someone can help, he is welcome !!! -
@Foggy-0 said in Snapin creation (size of file):
I modified post_max_size / upload_max_filesize / memory_limit to 4000M
The php.ini setting in question is
. Which config file exactly did you edit? I think there is more than one. The php-fpm one and probably one for php-cli as well.service apache2 restart or even reboot all Fog
The php-fpm service needs a restart. But server reboot should do the trick as well.
I modified as described above in
/etc/php/7.4/fpm/php.iniI did service apache2 restart and service php7.4-fpm restart, and even a reboot, but I’m still stuck at 8M…
@Foggy-0 I have done a test using a clean Ubuntu 20.04 install and FOG 1.5.9. Uploaded a Firefox MSI (56 MB) with no trouble at all.
Let’s see if we can figure this out for you. Create a PHP info helper file like this:
echo "<?php phpinfo(); ?>" > /var/www/fog/info.php
Then open the URL (put in YOUR server IP instead) and search for
. What is it set to?Remember to delete that newly create PHP script afterwards.
@Foggy-0 Any news on this?