boot.pxe permission denied on specific hardware
i am currently working on a way to create an image on a hardware firewall to clone this image automatically on new hardware to simplify the process. This are pfsense appliances that are fully preiinstalled in one appliance. I also captured an imge on one device. My problem is that I am unable to deploy this image to the other firewall.
The firewalls are the same hardware typ as the firewall that are the image is captured.
When i try to boot another device on the same fog server, it worked without problems. So it must be the device … or not ?the Device is a simple china firewall like this :{"sku_id"%3A"12000029844364634"}&pdp_npi=2%40dis!EUR!300.69!210.48!!!!!%402100bddd16636847235801777e4d06!12000029844364634!sea&curPageLogUid=v5JUVY1XORTo
@user419 How did you turn on https protocol in FOG? It almost appears that ipxe did not get recompiled with the same certificate that apache is using for the web server.