Master, Storage nodes, and clients for gigantic network. Trying to design - need sanity check?
@george1421 yeah the error was something from, no OS ID passed, call determineOS.
@p4cm4n There is a master imaging script that gets called when FOS Linux starts up its called simply fog
At the beginning of that script on line 4 I added a long time ago the code for usb booting, in that the target computer would call back to the FOG server to get the kernel parameters. Normally iPXE would load the kernel parameters when fog imaging was requested. But with USB booting into FOS Linux there are no kernel parameters per se. So this code was added to the beginning of the master bash script.
if [[ $boottype == usb && ! -z $web ]]; then sysuuid=$(dmidecode -s system-uuid) sysuuid=${sysuuid,,} mac=$(getMACAddresses) curl -Lks -o /tmp/hinfo.txt --data "sysuuid=${sysuuid}&mac=$mac" "${web}service/hostinfo.php" -A '' [[ -f /tmp/hinfo.txt ]] && . /tmp/hinfo.txt fi
So specifically the curl calls back to the fog server to run a php file that loads the kernel parameters into /tmp/hinfo.txt then we stat or run that hinfo.txt file to load the kernel parameters into the bash variables. That was the trick to “rebooting” without actually restarting FOS Linux or the computer. Then after the variables were loaded I think I called directly.
If you look down that
script a bit you will see the variables $mode and $type. After you load the kernel parameters you may need to unset $mode and set $type to “down” then call That is what the script is checking for to know what fog module to call on each boot.The trick is to call and not let the exit, because when it does control will be returned to the main
script and the target system will reboot.