Ubuntu Server 20.04.3 LTS with FOG 1.5.9 - Standalone
Ubuntu Server 20.04.3 LTS wtih FOG 1.5.9 - Standalone
Dell Latitude E5520, LAN/Wifi, 1TB SSD
LAN - Static Fog Network
Wifi - Internet facingInstall Ubuntu
Setup user & passwordInstall Ubuntu Desktop GUI
apt-get install tasksel -y Tasksel --> Select Ubuntu Desktop
Reboot and log in with your user, open terminal and sudo
Allow Network Manager to manage Ethernet
vi /usr/lib/NetworkManager/conf.d/10-globally-managed-devices.conf:unmanaged-devices=*,except:type:ethernet,except:type:wifi,except:type:wwan
Configure static IP using Network Manager
enp8s0 - set to static and uplinked (IP and Subnet only)
wlp2s0 - connect to WIFI for internet access and connectedDisable Ubuntu waiting for network on start
vi /usr/lib/systemd/system/systemd-user-sessions.service #Remove network.target
Remove extra packages and disable Cups
apt remove bcache-tools btrfs-progs cloud-guest-utils cloud-initramfs-copymods cloud-initramfs-dyn-netconf xfsprogs open-iscsi open-vm-tools apparmor cups -y apt autoremove systemctl stop cups-browsed systemctl disable cups-browsed
+++Ethernet should be uplinked before before proceeding+++
Install FOG Server
cd /opt/ git clone https://github.com/fogproject/fogproject.git fog_latest/ cd fog_latest/bin ./installfog.sh Select option 2 --> 2 Type of Install --> N Change Network Interface --> N ******Change to LAN interface if different****** DHCP Server router address --> N DHCP to handle DNS --> N Fog to handle DHCP --> Y Enable HTTPS --> N International --> N Change name --> N Wish to continue --> Y
When prompted, open web browser on the FOG server and go to website http://localhost/fog/management/ and select Update Mysql
Return to terminal and Enter to continue install
Log into website (http://localhost/fog/management) --> Default user: fog/password
Autostart DHCP Server (If using DHCP on Fog)
vi /etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server and add:case "$1" in start) #Add the following line sleep 20
Deploy Images without Host Registration
Fog Configuration --> IPXE Menu Item Settings --> fog.deployimage and make it look like:set username foglogin #Add this line set password foglogin #Add this line params param mac0 ${net0/mac} param arch ${arch} param username ${username} #Make look like this param password ${password} #Make look like this param qihost 1 isset ${net1/mac} && param mac1 ${net1/mac} || goto bootme isset ${net2/mac} && param mac2 ${net2/mac} || goto bootme
Substitute foglogin with your fog username and password