use fog snapins to install .deb files
I am wondering if anyone has in the past used the fog snapin utility to install a .deb file on ubuntu and what that would look like? I am relatively new to fog and scripting as a whole so any help is appreciated.
@OmegaXis While I have not tried it myself I would think it’s not a big deal. Start reading up on bash scripting and start with simple scripts like this one:
#!/bin/bash # my installer script APT_GET_PATH=$(command -v apt-get) [[ -z $APT_GET_PATH && -x /usr/bin/apt-get ]] && APT_GET_PATH=/usr/bin/apt-get $APT_GET_PATH -y update $APT_GET_PATH -y install -o Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef -o Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold name-of-new-package
Instead of
use the package you want to install.