Changing host registration database interaction
Real quick question:
Which files contain the database interaction for host registration process and where do I find them?
Reason for asking:
Rather than ovewriting host data on taking a new hardware inventory I need to keep records of both the old inventory and the new inventory (effectively I need an audit histroy of changes to hardware, upgrades etc.), ultimately this information will be used in an external database and I’m undecided as to how I want to arrange this, I first want to see how FOG handles the interaction and either modify the FOG interaction to also push to a second database or modify the FOG schema and interaction to fit my needs, though I’d rather keep FOG as vanilla as possible to help future-proof things so I will push to a second DB if I can. -
@c4c What you are looking for should be mostly in /var/www/html/fog/service/inventory.php on your FOG server. Also the Inventory class is probably important for what you want to achieve.
FOG can be extended using plugins. Take a look at the exisiting plugins in the code. Though I have to say that I am not exactly sure plugins are powerful enough to let you do what you want.
If more people would like to have this feature in FOG we might discuss adding it to the FOG core code. Though in this case you’d have to look into working towards the new FOG 1.6.x version as we won’t add new features to 1.5.x anymore. Can’t give you a definite date but we plan on releasing a last 1.5.10 version and then move on to 1.6.x from there.
@sebastian-roth Thanks for the swift response, looking closer at the fog image files this is exactly the file I will need to modify! From our perspective it would be great to have an audit trail for hardware built in to future versions, but I understand if there isn’t much demand for it, though slightly surprised as it seems useful to me for a whole variety of reasons outside of our specific use case (in which it is required!).