Unable to install fog on Rocky Linux
I am attempting to install FOG on Rocky Linux and am having issues with the installer. The installer runs without issues until it asks me to configure the databases from the management console, at which point I get an error 503 when I connect to the webpage. Hitting enter to continue the install causes the installation to fail due to unconfigured databases.
Did all packages install properly?
Rocky Linux doesn’t seem to be a natively supported distribution, so are the requirements ok (https://wiki.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php/Installation#Requirements)?
@Bimahi Haven’t tried Rocky Linux yet. Good chance to give it a go. Will let you know soon.
@Bimahi Just did a test on a fresh clean Rocky 8 install and it all worked out of the box. When asked to access the web interface to create the database schema I did not run into a 503 error as you described.
Did you add external repos or even installed PHP beforehand?
I figured it out, I needed to add the epel-release package by running:
# dnf install epel-release
thanks for pointing me in the right direction. -
@Bimahi I think the installer should take care of adding the repo for you if needed. Though I am not exactly sure from the top of my head.
Anyhow, I did a minimal fresh install of Rocky Linux Yesterday, no manual repo added and FOG install on top ran perfectly fine. I am wondering what the difference to your setup was.
The only difference between yesterday and today was manually adding the repo, I’m not sure why it just instantly worked as soon as I did that. The major difference I can tell is that I have two ethernet cards, 1 internet connectivity, and 1 for the imaging network. Another service I’m running is sshd for remote control.
Before I installed the extra repo when I would run the script it would run without error and installed everything that it needed, and then it broke afterwards.