UEFI & PXE problem
Hi FOG Community,
First, excuse my english, i’m french and it is not perfect.
I’m new here and i have an issue with UEFI PXE.
I work for a complex structure where i have to deploy FOG 1.5.9.
I have tried FOG on CentOS 7 and Debian 10 in VMware ESXI host .
Multiples VLANs, switchs HP and Cisco, independent DHCP, many HP and Dell computers are present.
I’ve no problem with BIOS legacy boot. I’m not able to capture an image of UEFI PXE client.
What i do :- Update to the latest kernel of FOG.
- Options on Linux DHCP server have write like page of wiki says (https://wiki.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php/BIOS_and_UEFI_Co-Existence).
- On Cisco switchs, parameter “no spanning-tree vlan_deployment” was adding.
- Clients have no RAID Mode and no Secure Boot enabled.
Have you an other idea for me ?
Thanks to all
@pierrer What error do you see? If you can take a clear picture of the error with a mobile phone and upload the image here. This will let us see the context of the error.