Trying to Understand Snapin Packs.
For the past couple months I’ve been trying to wrap my head around how to properly use and set up Snapin Packs to be used as a way to deploy Drives for certain machines. I’ve gotten a good Grasp of how to deploy Drivers down to machine’s via a Powershell script snapin that pulls from a network share drive and quietly install it.
From my look over of it Snapin Packs I know I will need to compress the files plus the install script into a Zip file and when the pack install it runs the script inside of the Zip file?
My question is would I set up the script like any old install .exe/.msi with quiet arguments and set it up to do it one at a time. Im honestly stumped and want to expand my knowledge of the FOG Project.
@MilitiaTech Not sure if you have seen this wiki article yet:
@sebastian-roth I have but I’m still trying to wrap my head around how it properly works. I think its more me trying to understand the Documentation thats available to read online/watch, but Im wanting to do it more with Powershell but not finding any documentation on the Wiki.