FOG not releasing queued systems in Storage Group Activity
I usually get this when there is a system pending or currently waiting for an image. I then would go to the task section and cancel all tasks to release the queued computers. I’m not sure why all of a sudden this does not work. I have also tried restarting all of the FOG servers in an effort to clear the queued computers. I can still image but since I have a limit of 30 and 12 are queued I can only image 18.
How do I release the queued systems?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
@vemoya It’s probably some leftover in the database. Could be pending hosts that still have a task schedules but those won’t show up in the active tasks list.
I am wondering why you’d have pending hosts?! Which version of FOG do you use? Do you use @JJ-Fullmer PowerShell modules by any chance?
@sebastian-roth FOG ver 1.5.9-RC2 and we do not use PowerShell modules
Thanks for the reply
@vemoya We have seen hosts go pending but that seemed to have been cause by the PowerShell module API calls.
We shall try to figure out if you have entries in the DB that are obviously not correct:
shell> mysql -u fogmaster -p Password: ... mysql> use fog; ... mysql> SELECT hostID,hostName,hostPending FROM hosts WHERE hostID NOT IN (SELECT hmHostID FROM hostMAC); ... mysql> SELECT hostID,hostName,hostPending FROM hosts WHERE hostID NOT IN (SELECT hmHostID FROM hostMAC WHERE hmPrimary = '1'); ... mysql> SELECT hostID,hostName,hostPending FROM hosts WHERE hostPending = '1'; ... mysql> SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE taskStateID IN ('1','2','3'); ....
You find the password for the “fogmaster” database user in
. Please run the queries and try to copy&paste all the results here in the forums. Use PuTTy or some other SSH tool to connect to your server so you can copy&paste text.