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@zyzhang This is not a bug report! We need way more information. I am moving this to FOG problems.
Probably related to https://forums.fogproject.org/topic/14469/503-service-unavailable
@Sebastian-Roth 您好,已找到原因,是fog服务器存储空间用满了,导致镜像上传不了。可疑在web界面上设置删除镜像是同时删除存储里的对应镜像吗,fog版本是1.5.4
Mod added translation: Hello, the reason has been found, because the storage space of the fog server is full, and the image cannot be uploaded. Is it suspicious to delete the image on the web interface to delete the corresponding image in the storage at the same time, the fog version is 1.5.4
@zyzhang Yes you can delete an image through the web UI and it will delete it on disk as well. But you have to make sure you use the delete button in the image settings view - not the multi delete from the list view!