Fog is slow? somehow?
Hello everyone. I am having an issue with one of our fog servers. When imaging laptops we were seeing about 1.5GB/MIN transfer rates, so a 40gb image would take 30mins. This problem seemed to arise when we moved into a new office. I have ruled out a bunch of different variables and came up with nothing, until yesterday. A coworker imaged a Desktop and it was running at 14GB/min.
bzImage Version: 4.19.1
bzImage32 Version: 4.19.1
Linux MHB-FOG-01 4.4.0-138-generic #164-Ubuntu SMP Tue Oct 2 17:16:02 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
The server is cut off from all network traffic so updating is hard(thanks to our security team)Desktop
The partclone speed is a composite speed built on the product of fog server transfer rate + network transfer rate + target computer ingest + target computer (unzipping) + target computer writing to disk.
In fog imaging almost all of the heavy lifting is done by the target computer. For imaging the FOG server does very little, it basically moves the file from its local storage and sends it out the network (and of course oversees the imaging process). The network transfer speeds have an impact, but again its the target computer that does almost all of the work. If you have a slow processor, insufficient RAM, or a rotating hard drive they will have a bigger impact on the imaging process than the FOG server or network.
For a modern computer with an NVMe drive I get about 13GB/min. With a Dell 7010 with a traditional hard drive I get about 5GB/min transfer. All from the same fog server. I would say that 1.4GB/min (23MB/sec) is a bit low.
So for you to see such a large difference I would have to ask what was unique about these systems was it geographic location, type of computer, phase of the moon?
@sbenson Possibly that laptop is coming up with a 100 MB link? Was this exact machine imaged before and how fast did it go back then?
I can even think of the new switch having some ethernet energy efficiency (EEE) mode enabled that is kicking in when connecting specific NICs but that’s just a wild guess.
Unfortunately we imaged the same exact computers in a different office with a separate fog server with the exact same image. The office I am in they went as fast as expected. It is something this other location is is just now experiencing
@sbenson But the other location was fast at one time. Or the root of the issue is the location IS the difference that causes speed issues??