Multicast problem with fog 1.5.7 ubuntu server 18.04.3 and aruba switch
Hi all.
As I write in the description I have some problems doing multicast with fog.
My configuration is:
- 106 computers
- ubuntu server 18.04.3
- fog 1.5.7
- switch Aruba 2930M 48G (4 in stack)
- snooping activated
when I start the multicast task, partclone don’t start and I must poweroff all the computer manually.
Any Ideas?
Thanks Dario
Sorry I have
@dario-vettore Are clients und FOG server all in the same subnet und same VLAN?? Please post more details about your network layout.
yes, they are in the same VLAN
I try also this:
udp-sender --file /opt/fog/.fogsettings --log /opt/fog/log/multicast.log --ttl 1 --nopointopoint --portbase 9000
with this:
nc -u 9000
but I have no answer
there is no error in /aparche2/error.log
@dario-vettore Try testing as suggested in the wiki:
Are you sure there is no firewall between FOG server and the clients??
@dario-vettore Did you get this solved?