Storage Size on dash board (Pie) is inaccurate
We have 2 servers that are synced.
Both are master for themselves.
Server 1 is master for both, this way Server 1 replicate itself on Server 2.
And I export/import for times to times
This way they are both independent and synced.The servers are under Ubuntu 16.04 / FOG 1.5.6
on both servers a du in images folder give :
1340230528 or 1.3TOn server 1 Pie :
On server 2 Pie :
On the shell both servers show the same amount of data but not on the PIE. any idea?
@processor I will look into this when I get a bit more time.
@Tom-Elliott Would you know what could be causing this just from the top of your head? You probably know how sizes are calculated for the pie charts without having to dig through the whole code.
@processor I still have not found the time to look into this. Can you check if this is still the case or if replication picked it up?