Requests for Wiki Access <--- ASK HERE
Is this still a place to request access to edit the wiki? If so, I would like to do so.
*** Granted 20131219 - Chad-bisd ***
Alright, I’ve been here long enough, can I get wiki access? I plan to do some extensive walkthroughs on installation/set up on various distributions of linux. I will do my best to keep current with the distributions.
Hello all felow FOGers
May I please request an account for the wiki? I’ve written a walk through for creating a hardware independent Windows 7 image for our secondary school with screen shots etc, based on [URL=‘’]this page[/URL], and would like to update/share the tips and tricks I’ve learnt in this process.
My brother also works at a nearby large secondary school, and between us we’ve imaged 5000+ computers and we [I]love[/I] FOG!
Regards, Will
Sys Admin, Townsville Grammar School, Queensland Australia*** Granted 20131219 - Chad-bisd ***
Will, I would love to see that. This is the Holy Grail for anyone who manages large groups of computers…
Hi guys,
could you give me Wiki access? I’d like to contrib with HW List. I work for the biggest south america’s hosting company and we use fog to deploy employee’s Desktop/Laptops.
We have a lot of Dell models like Optiplex, Vostro, Latitude…
Ricardo, check your PM’s for login info.
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Hi all,
If anyone has interest in putting this app in a docker container, I can help you do it. I don’t know if I have the time to create a wiki entry, but I can certainly give help.
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I realize I’m new (although I’ve been using FOG for about a year now), but I’d like to help out a bit with the documentation side of things.
Can I get an account?
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I don’t request access cause my english is too bad for writing in a proper wiki
but you can use my working devices list to update it.
Wolfbane, i know the wiki has pages for “working devices” and “problematic device” but i recommend that you flag those both as “legacy” and create a single new page for working and non-working devices, so it can be searched more easily
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