Unable to start task, Unable to connect to tftp server.
Hallo Guys,
When i want to upload a image and click on the “upload image” button i get the following error: “Unable to start task, Unable to connect to tftp server.”
I v changed the fog password on linux (passwd fog) and in the web gui. I also change the tftp password in Other information > FOG settings > tft SERVER > FOG_TFTP_FTP_PASSWORD.
I v also changed the file /var/www/html/fog/commons/config.php to include the new password.
But still no joy
I installed fog on a clean Cent OS 6.3 server and along side an existing DHCP server.
The DHCP server options are 66: ipaddress fog server and 67: pxelinux.0vsftpd is running and iptables are cleared.
Some extra info:
Fog version: 0,32
Disabled SELINUXI got a nice fog boot screen when booting a client with pxe…
When i run nmap -sT -O localhost i cant see any 69 port opentftp in /etc/xined.d/:
service tftp
socket_type = dgram
protocol = udp
wait = yes
user = root
server = /usr/sbin/in.tftpd
server_args = -s /tftpboot
disable = no
per_source = 11
cps = 100 2
flags = IPv4
}chkconfig --list:
services based on xinetd:
chargen-dgram: uit
chargen-stream: uit
daytime-dgram: uit
daytime-stream: uit
discard-dgram: uit
discard-stream: uit
echo-dgram: uit
echo-stream: uit
tcpmux-server: uit
tftp: aan
tftp.fogbackup: aan
time-dgram: uit
time-stream: uitI am realy stuck here. I guess my tftp server is working just fine because i can pxe boot the clients…
nmap -sT will not detect the TFTP server, because -sT is a TCP connection scan, TFTP uses UDP instead of TCP. Is the IP address correct for the server, in the config.php and in the web settings?
69/udp open|filtered tftpThe IP has never changed:
web settings:
define( “IS_INCLUDED”, true );
define( “TFTP_HOST”, “” );
define( “TFTP_FTP_USERNAME”, “fog” );
define( “TFTP_FTP_PASSWORD”, “+++++” );
define( “TFTP_PXE_CONFIG_DIR”, “/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/” );
define( “TFTP_PXE_KERNEL_DIR”, “/tftpboot/fog/kernel/” );
define( “PXE_KERNEL”, “fog/kernel/bzImage” );
define( “PXE_KERNEL_RAMDISK”, 127000 );
define( “USE_SLOPPY_NAME_LOOKUPS”, “1”);
define( “MEMTEST_KERNEL”, “fog/memtest/memtest” );
define( “PXE_IMAGE”, “fog/images/init.gz” );
define( “PXE_IMAGE_DNSADDRESS”, “” );
define( “STORAGE_HOST”, “” );
define( “STORAGE_FTP_USERNAME”, “fog” );
define( “STORAGE_FTP_PASSWORD”, “+++++” );
define( “STORAGE_DATADIR”, “/images/” );
define( “STORAGE_DATADIR_UPLOAD”, “/images/dev/” );
define( “STORAGE_BANDWIDTHPATH”, “/fog/status/bandwidth.php” );
define( “CLONEMETHOD”, “ntfsclone” ); // valid values partimage, ntfsclone
define( “UPLOADRESIZEPCT”, 5 );
define( “WEB_HOST”, “” );
define( “WEB_ROOT”, “/fog/” );
define( “WOL_HOST”, “” );
define( “WOL_PATH”, “/fog/wol/wol.php” );
define( “WOL_INTERFACE”, “eth0” );
define( “SNAPINDIR”, “/opt/fog/snapins/” );
define( “QUEUESIZE”, “10” );
define( “CHECKIN_TIMEOUT”, 600 );
define( “MYSQL_HOST”, “localhost” );
define( “MYSQL_DATABASE”, “fog” );
define( “MYSQL_USERNAME”, “root” );
define( “MYSQL_PASSWORD”, “” );
define( “DB_TYPE”, “mysql” );
define( “DB_HOST”, MYSQL_HOST );
define( “DB_PORT”, null );
define( “USER_MINPASSLENGTH”, 4 );
define( “NFS_ETH_MONITOR”, “eth0” );
define(“UDPCAST_STARTINGPORT”, 63100 ); $
define( “FOG_JPGRAPH_VERSION”, “2.3” );
define( “FOG_REPORT_DIR”, “./reports/” );
define( “FOG_THEME”, “blackeye/blackeye.css” );
define( “FOG_VERSION”, “0.32” );
define( “FOG_SCHEMA”, 23 );
DEFINE(‘BASEPATH’, rtrim($_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’], ‘/’) . rtrim(WEB_ROOT, ‘/’)$ -
The error about the TFTP server is actually referring to FTP. When a task is created the web server FTPs a MAC address specific task file to the TFTP server. What you need is TCP ports 20 and 21 open to the web server. If this is all on the same server then you can just make it open to localhost.
You remembered to restart/reload vsftpd following the fog password change?
[url]http://www.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php/Unable_to_connect_to_TFTP[/url]"Can you ftp into your FOG server using an ftp client(filezilla, the ftp command, map drive) using the fog username and the fog password and upload a file?
yes i restarted several times.
Open TCP ports:
21/tcp open ftp
22/tcp open ssh
80/tcp open http
111/tcp open rpcbind
2049/tcp open nfs
3306/tcp open mysqlwhen i connect to the ftp service i get a login incorrect… so the problem is related to the ftp service!
Connected to localhost (
220 (vsFTPd 2.2.2)
Name (localhost:root): fog
331 Please specify the password.
530 Login incorrect.
Login failed.thx for the tip! Now i need to find why i can’t login to the ftp server.
I’m pretty sure you need TCP 20 open as well. One of them is used for control while the other is for data. The username and password being used are the linux username and password, which need to match the FOG_TFTP_FTP_USERNAME and FOG_TFTP_FTP_PASSWORD listed under FOG Settings in the web UI.
omg… i found my problem.
I added the user “fog” to the /etc/vsftpd/ftpusers file because of my initial problem with the fog password. Just to debug something. But totally forgot that all the users in the file are blocked from the ftp server.
So everything is working now.
Thanks a million for pointing me in the right direction!
I also am having this issue. I thought maybe i messed something up during install so started from clean install and again same issue. I am on Ubuntu 12.04.1 fog0.32. Any thoughts. I have tried to ftp in and that worked fine i was able to log in.
I figured it out. went into fog setting through the web management and changed the TFTP password from there and everything started working fine.