Webmin as DHCP Server and TFTP of Fog Server (ARP Timeout Problem)
anyone using this kind of Set-up?
I already setup on Host Details, the boot file server and boot filename as undionly.kkpxe on my Webmin DHCP Server
but right now i am having a problem in ARP Timeout
My fogserver is on the same segment as my Webmin DHCP Server
anyone who could help? I’ll send details if someone need it, give me some ideas thanks.
I’m a bit confused since webmin is a web configuration tool not a dhcp server (AFAIK). Webmin will speak to the back end dhcp server in linux (typically isc-dhcp).
So within the scope of these pxe booting computers. What do you have set for dhcp option 66 {next-server} and dhcp option 67 {boot-file}? You should have the fog server’s IP address for 66 and undionly.kpxe (bios) or ipxe.efi (uefi) based computers.
sorry if you are confused,
this is actually my set up right now, Webmin has a services of DHCP Server
and this is what you are calling the option 66 and option 67 of webmin dhcp server service
the bootfile name is the option 67 and the boot file server is the option 66
but still i’m having a problem on the TFTP, i’m having a ARP Timeout.
so the process is like this… Webmin DHCP Server is the one will give IP on the Machine then the webmin dhcp server will also link the next-server and boot-file of the TFTP of fog
sorry if you are confused,
this is actually my set up right now, Webmin has a services of DHCP Server
and this is what you are calling the option 66 and option 67 of webmin dhcp server service
the bootfile name is the option 67 and the boot file server is the option 66
but still i’m having a problem on the TFTP, i’m having a ARP Timeout.
so the process is like this… Webmin DHCP Server is the one will give IP on the Machine then the webmin dhcp server will also link the next-server and boot-file of the TFTP of fog
@russel0901 Please post a picture of the ARP timeout on screen. And I may ask you to NOT mask the IP or other information because it can give valuable information on finding the solution.
Hi sir this is the picture of the ARP timeout on my screen
the dhcp server is 172.x.x.10
and my fog server is on 172.x.x.5
@russel0901 Well lets dig a little deeper into what the pxe booting client is being told. Please follow the instructions here to create a network capture of the pxe booting process. This tcpdump command will only collect pxe booting traffic. Please run the commands and then upload the pcap to a file sharing site (google drive, one drive, etc.) and post the link here or IM myself or Sebastian the link so we can take a look at what the pxe booting client is being told.