Show snapins associated with group?
This seems like a newbie question and the answer is probably staring me in the face.
Searched through the forum and I’m not seeing the same question either so I find myself perplexed.
You can assign snapins to groups which is just wonderful. I, however, don’t see a way where I can list which snapins are associated with a specific group. What am I missing?
Under the group -> snapin menu I see all snapins available to the system, not all are assigned to that particular group. There is no distinction between assigned vs not.
@clugoimx The concept of groups is different to what you expect it to be. Search the forums for “persistent groups” and you will find an answer.
Hah, Interesting!
I appreciate the heads up. I tried the plugin and its working in the current version. Would be awesome if this info was in the wiki.
@clugoimx Would you jump in and help us improve the documentation? We are happy to have people involved working on such things as we can’t do it all in our free time.
Fog is looking like it will be really helpful here. I will consider helping out once I can get it situated and catch up with my task list items I’ve been ignoring just to get this far.
@clugoimx Feel free to ask questions so we can help you getting up to speed with your setup.