database created problem
Hello folks,
I got this message in the installation:- You still need to install/update your database schema.
- This can be done by opening a web browser and going to:
- I did what it said
and right after it gave me error:
The following errors occurred Update ID: 16 Database Error: Failed to query: Error: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1558 Column count of mysql.user is wrong. Expected 42, found 39. Created with MySQL 50173, now running 50562. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error. Error Message: Error Code: "HY000", Error Message: ["HY000",1558,"Column count of mysql.user is wrong. Expected 42, found 39. Created with MySQL 50173, now running 50562. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error."], Debug: SQL: [70] GRANT ALL ON `fog`.* TO 'fogstorage'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'fs73755703850' Params: 0 Variable contains: Array ( [0] => ALTER TABLE `tasks` ADD COLUMN `taskBPM` varchar(250) NOT NULL AFTER `taskPCT`, ADD COLUMN `taskTimeElapsed` varchar(250) NOT NULL AFTER `taskBPM`, ADD COLUMN `taskTimeRemaining` varchar(250) NOT NULL AFTER `taskTimeElapsed`, ADD COLUMN `taskDataCopied` varchar(250) NOT NULL AFTER `taskTimeRemaining`, ADD COLUMN `taskPercentText` varchar(250) NOT NULL AFTER `taskDataCopied`, ADD COLUMN `taskDataTotal` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL AFTER `taskPercentText` [1] => CREATE TABLE `nfsGroups` (`ngID` integer NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`ngName` varchar(250) NOT NULL,`ngDesc` longtext NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`ngID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC [2] => CREATE TABLE `nfsGroupMembers` (`ngmID` integer NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`ngmMemberName` varchar(250) NOT NULL,`ngmMemberDescription` longtext NOT NULL,`ngmIsMasterNode` char NOT NULL,`ngmGroupID` integer NOT NULL,`ngmRootPath` longtext NOT NULL,`ngmIsEnabled` char NOT NULL,`ngmHostname` varchar(250) NOT NULL,`ngmMaxClients` integer NOT NULL,`ngmUser` varchar(250) NOT NULL,`ngmPass` varchar(250) NOT NULL,`ngmKey` varchar(250) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`ngmID`),INDEX `new_index`(`ngmMemberName`),INDEX `new_index2`(`ngmIsMasterNode`),INDEX `new_index3`(`ngmGroupID`),INDEX `new_index4`(`ngmIsEnabled`)) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC [3] => ALTER TABLE `images` ADD COLUMN `imageNFSGroupID` integer NOT NULL AFTER `imageDD`,ADD INDEX `new_index3`(`imageNFSGroupID`) [4] => ALTER TABLE `tasks` ADD COLUMN `taskNFSGroupID` integer NOT NULL AFTER `taskDataTotal`,ADD COLUMN `taskNFSMemberID` integer NOT NULL AFTER `taskNFSGroupID`,ADD COLUMN `taskNFSFailures` char NOT NULL AFTER `taskNFSMemberID`,ADD COLUMN `taskLastMemberID` integer NOT NULL AFTER `taskNFSFailures`,ADD INDEX `new_index5`(`taskNFSGroupID`),ADD INDEX `new_index6`(`taskNFSMemberID`),ADD INDEX `new_index7`(`taskNFSFailures`),ADD INDEX `new_index8`(`taskLastMemberID`) [5] => CREATE TABLE `nfsFailures` (`nfID` integer NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`nfNodeID` integer NOT NULL,`nfTaskID` integer NOT NULL,`nfHostID` integer NOT NULL,`nfGroupID` integer NOT NULL,`nfDateTime` integer NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`nfID`),INDEX `new_index`(`nfNodeID`),INDEX `new_index1`(`nfTaskID`),INDEX `new_index2`(`nfHostID`),INDEX `new_index3`(`nfGroupID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC [6] => ALTER TABLE `nfsFailures` MODIFY COLUMN `nfDateTime` datetime NOT NULL,ADD INDEX `new_index4`(`nfDateTime`) [7] => ALTER TABLE `multicastSessions` CHANGE `msAnon2` `msNFSGroupID` integer NOT NULL, ADD INDEX `new_index`(`msNFSGroupID`) [8] => INSERT IGNORE INTO `nfsGroups` (`ngName`,`ngDesc`) VALUES ('default','Auto generated fog nfs group') [9] => INSERT IGNORE INTO `nfsGroupMembers` (`ngmMemberName`,`ngmMemberDescription`,`ngmIsMasterNode`,`ngmGroupID`,`ngmRootPath`,`ngmIsEnabled`,`ngmHostname`,`ngmMaxClients`,`ngmUser`,`ngmPass`) VALUES ('DefaultMember','Auto generated fog nfs group member','1','1','/images/','1','','10','fog','WrsSWg+LnzloyFzRCluWZz5Eh+VZ/YEvxrnTAFZH5Qo=') [10] => UPDATE `images` set imageNFSGroupID = '1' [11] => DELETE FROM `globalSettings` WHERE `settingKey` IN ('FOG_NFS_HOST','FOG_NFS_FTP_USERNAME','FOG_NFS_FTP_PASSWORD','FOG_NFS_DATADIR','FOG_NFS_DATADIR_CAPTURE') [12] => INSERT IGNORE INTO `globalSettings` (`settingKey`,`settingDesc`,`settingValue`,`settingCategory`) VALUES ('FOG_STORAGENODE_MYSQLUSER','This setting defines the username the storage nodes should use to connect to the fog server.','fogstorage','FOG Storage Nodes'),('FOG_STORAGENODE_MYSQLPASS','This setting defines the password the storage nodes should use to connect to the fog server.','fs73755703850','FOG Storage Nodes') [13] => GRANT ALL ON `fog`.* TO 'fogstorage'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'fs73755703850' [14] => UPDATE `schemaVersion` set `vValue`='16' ) Database SQL: GRANT ALL ON `fog`.* TO 'fogstorage'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'fs73755703850'
any help ? I’m confused
Fond regards,
Can we get a bit more background on this install?
- Is this a fresh FOG install or an upgrade from a previous release?
- What version of FOG were you installing?
- What is the FOG server’s OS and version?
- What version of mysql/mariadb is installed?
Once we know this info then we can perform the next steps.
rhel 6.10 server I just got it from the git repo
I think I will use centos 6.10 instead -
@lsdingo said in database created problem:
centos 6.10
Are you SURE its 6.10? If so that’s not supported by FOG as well as Red Hat. One might hope that you are using 7.x over 6.x.
Please run this command
cat /etc/redhat-release
and post the results. -
Hey I actually tried installing it on a different machine (Ubuntu 16.04) this time
which obviously works better but I’m still having what I believe issues that related to the database (not really sure though)I get: db cant open /etc/target
and also could not find partitions /bin/fog.uploadalso some /var/log/syslog from the fog server:
I’ve checked in google and saw that just changing the path in the configuration files should maybe do it but none said which conf file I should edit.
could you please advise ?
fond regards,
Tal -
@lsdingo said in database created problem:
I get: db cant open /etc/target
This is just a warning, not an error!
and also could not find partitions /bin/fog.upload
From my point of view this is not pointing to a database error. It means that FOG cannot find your disk in the client machine. Create a new upload task but check the box for debug. Boot the client and when you get to the shell type
-> take a picture and post here.Which version of FOG did you install???
@Sebastian-Roth Hey,
how would I check which version I have? I installed the latest stable version.
also I don’t have the option for debuggingshrugs
@lsdingo Log into the web UI and you’ll see the version number in the bottom right corner. On the other hand, if you see a light blue colored cloud on the FOG web UI login screen that would mean you have FOG 1.2.0 which is very very old.
Anyhow, all the version had the debug option. See here:
its Version 1.5.5
and I don’t have these options. I went to fog settings and expended all.
I ticked ‘TASKING ADV DEBUG ENABLED’ but I think this is not it.
please advise mate
regards -
@lsdingo The setting is when you create a new task!
@Sebastian-Roth Okay, managed to find it
@lsdingo Well, there is your answer. There are no partitions on this disk. There is nothing FOG can upload/capture.
Should an OS be installed on this (VM) disk? From my point of view it’s not!