FOG 1.5.2 Canges in FOG-Settings will not be stored and AD-Settings are wiped out
@quazz I changed the pm.max_children entry in /etc/php/7.1/fpm/pool.d/www.conf to 50
new PHP-Log:
0_1528889085857_FOG-PHP71-fpm_2.txtI also changed permissions to 755, so now I can see the apache-log-files in the GUI!! (but I do not know how this permissions could change, nobody has ever changed them??)
Here the mysql log:
0_1528889995333_sql-log.txtand actual Apache log:
0_1528890400238_FOG-APACHE2_2.txt -
@bb-ikt logrotate changes them. On a cycle the permissions are reset to whatever it’s configured for. When this rotation occurs, it resets the file ownership and permissions.
@bb-ikt It looks like some of your tables in the database have crashed.
sudo mysqlcheck -r fog
should hopefully repair them
@tom-elliott Hy Tom! I understand! Will the new logfile again have the “wrong” permission when logrotate starts? Where can I set with which permissions the new logfile will be created?
But back to the main problem:
My problem is not the wrong permissions on the logfiles, but that settings in the fog settings are not saved.
For this I have new findings:
If I enter something in the fog settings under “Active Directory”, these entries are saved. But if I change something in the “FOG System Settings” afterwards (for example the menu timeout from 5 to 3) the entries in “Active Directory” will be deleted! That is reproducible. -
@quazz I do the “sudo mysqlcheck -r fog”
With this reply:
0_1528900646611_check-database.txtbut it did not solve the problem unfortunately!
@bb-ikt Repairing them was important for many reasons not just for this specific problem.
On the FOG WebUI there should be a second PHP-FPM log file (www-error log), does that contain anything useful?
@quazz hmmm., sorry, no such log, neither in the Web-Gui, nor in the /var/log/ and subdirectories…
@bb-ikt what os is the fog server
@tom-elliott Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS and Fog Server 1.5.4
@bb-ikt the fog settings currently requires you to press the update button for the category you’re working in. Pressing enter will give a success but won’t actually update anything. It doesn’t not support multiple section updating currently either, meaning if you edit multiple categories and choose update only the section containing that update would be stored. This is inconvienent but was intended to help prevent accidentally zeroing out data as those items are relatively important.
@tom-elliott Hello Tom! I know that. But you misunderstand me!
What I do is the following:
I change an entry under “Active Directory” and press “Update” in this section -> Feedback: “successfully saved”.
If I then go to any other menu item in the FOG (e.g., Dashboard) and back to the “FOG Settings” to “Active Directory”, the changes made will still be there!
If I now change another item in the settings (for example, PXE MENU TIMEOUT and change the value 5 to 3) and press Update under this section, appears again “successfully saved”.
But if I switch to the dashboard and go back to the FOG settings under “Achtive Directory”, the entries made there have disappeared and also the change in the section above it (in PXE MENU TIMEOUT is again stored 5 instead of 3!)!
First Change in Active Directory:
Press update:
Going to dashboard and back to FOG-Settings changing “PXE MENU TIMEOUT from 5 to 3” and press update:
Going to dashboard and back to Fog-Settings, all changes are gone!!: