Updated to FOG 1.5.2 and web UI Bandwidth showing weird transmit rates
Hello, so I updated to 1.5.2 and notice various changes. Very nice and I did notice it’s a lot snappier. Weird thing is the bandwidth graph is very awkward. Not sure if this is by design or a bug. Here is a screen shot of what I’m talking about:
Notice on the left the rates. Also, storage node FOG versions are no longer showing. Just Node() with empty brackets. I must also say that I ran updates on Ubuntu Core 16.04.4 LTS and had php7 updates but I did not update and kept older version instead. Could that be it causing the FOG web UI issues? Thank you.
Something is wrong with my server too, just upgraded to 1.5.2 (was ok in 1.5.0) and now the interface is null and graph is on steroids,?
That happened at first to me as well and then the next day it turned to some very large numbers like mine.
@fog_rob Were you able to resolve this issue? I didn’t see any responses so I’m almost tempted to just reinstall from scratch. Even with update to 1.5.3 the issue persists for me.