Active Directory Join Failing
In general using the client is the simplest way, though there are other ways of doing it. Your actual image cannot be joined to Active Directory. You can instead use the FOG Client, or if your image is sysprepped you can use
or some custom script. -
This post is deleted! -
Thanks, I have another question, it’s about the image of windows 10 pro, this image is already join domaine but when i deploy this image the cliens arn’t in AD ???
I already entrer my AD default in FOGserver.
I can’t solve this problem!!!
I need your help! -
Joe Schmitt Senior Developerlast edited by Joe Schmitt Apr 11, 2018, 11:11 AM Apr 11, 2018, 5:09 PM
@amerhbb said in Active Directory Join Failing:
this image is already join domaine but when i deploy this image the cliens arn’t in AD ???
Images should not be joined to Active Directory as it can cause many issues. An image should be unjoined, and after deployment, the computer should then be joined (using the client or a custom script).
@joe-schmitt Ok, I have another question it’s about the password and the login which be added in FOG server in the menu “Active Directory default”, I used “My_AD_Admin” for user and i used “My-AD-Admin-password” for password.
But Why there are tow passwords ? should I put both?
I think that the seconed should be encrypted by “FOGCryp”
Should I put both?Thanks!
@amerhbb said in Active Directory Join Failing:
out the password and the login which be added in FOG server in the menu “Active Directory default”, I used “My_AD_Admin” for user and i used “My-AD-Admin-password” for password.
The field marked
is only for the old client (XP era). You just need the non-legacy field set. -
@joe-schmitt Ok, thanks
How can I test if my FOG server entre in my AD before I deploy my image ?
Do you know any method for testing if my FOGserver entre in my AD?Thanks a lot
@amerhbb enter*
@amerhbb I am highly confused what’s being asked here.
When you’re capturing an image, the machine being captured should NOT be joined to the domain.
If you want the domain to be joined, all you should need to do is enable the FOG Client on the machine you want to test it on, and ensure the AD settings are setup for the Host you’re testing.
This is found under Host Management->Edit your host->Active DIrectory
You can click the “Join Domain” checkbox, if the settings are defined in the FOG Settings->Active Directory Defaults, the clicking of the checkbox will automatically populate the AD Fields on the host. If not, you can manually enter the information.
You will need to have: Domain Name, Domain user with permission to join domain, and the Domain User’s password.
You do not need to enter anything in the Domain Password Legacy field unless you’re using the old client. (I would highly recommend not using the legacy client).
Your test machine should then attempt to join. Just remember, you should not have a machine joined when you’re capturing the image. this can cause all sorts of problems.
@tom-elliott Thanks a lot
But the option “Name Change/AD join Forced reboot” in Host Management->Edit your host->Active DIrectory should be active or not?? -
@amerhbb that’s up to you. If checked it forces the machine to reboot regardless of if a user is logged in or not. The forcing occurs for hostnames and/Or ad joining.